
I’ve always wondered what this space is. Are they down in The Last City?

You can still access and play all the content from vanilla Destiny, Dark Below, and House of Wolves if you purchased them. You just can’t do any of the max level stuff, because you chose not to buy it.

I mean, the announcement for Dark Below, House of Wolves, and Taken King all talk about adding new content and raising the level cap. If you don’t buy those you can’t do any of the new content, you can’t hit max level, and you can’t do max level content.

Yeah this. People are freaking out and sensationalizing this into something more than it is. There is a new max level. All max level content now occurs at the new max level. You need the expansion pass to hit the new max level. Just like every persistant character game ever.

This is kind of a sensationalist story. The expectation for Destiny has always been that there is a constant stream of new content that must be paid for. And the Nightfall/Heroics/Raids have always been max level content, which means every time new content comes out, if you want to reach that max level and play the

Yeah, most definitely. Outside of the fact that Golden Gun and Last Word share the same model, they make it clear that Jaren never misses, but was still unable to kill Dredgen. Shin had to summon the Golden Gun in order to kill the darkness inside Dredgen.

Yeah man, haven’t read a Spider-Man book since One More Day. Ruined everything for me.

I think those might still be moth people designs. Don't think they're ahamkara because they don't match the skull in the hunter piece.

Is this Dredgen Yor? That would be so rad.

Hot dog! Ain’t that the truth. I was Sword for our fire team and uuuuuggghhhh. But once we nailed it then it became super fun. That lead up to victory was frustrating though.

Soooo, she used to look like a woman and now she looks like a teenager? Perfect. Classy.

Amen man. As a long time, die-hard Halo fan (shoot, I used to write a monthly Halo column for a national publication, back when magazines where a thing), this was not good. It didn’t fee like Halo - it was missing that weird, strange otherworldliness that Halo has, those quiet moments. And it was just bombastic and

As expected, you are getting killed for this opinion. For what it’s worth, I totally agree. Destiny is the jam, and it’s the best thing to hit consoles in years, despite it’s flaws.

Of all the game you mentioned only two were as fun to play as Destiny - Titanfall and Sunset Overdrive. Opinions and all that. Full disclosure: Haven’t played Dying Light yet but I hear good things. (Or Bloodbourne, but I don’t enjoy the Souls games, so I don’t imagine I will love it.)

Man, this for sure. I love Destiny to death and play it an unhealthy amount. But Crucible is broken it’s unbelievable. So many 1-hit kill situations that are 100% impossible to avoid. You know it’s bad when your lead MP designer says “If you don’t take it seriously and treat it as a non-competitive game then it’s

Hmm, we may have to agree to disagree. I always though the FF games were clumsy at best in terms of their story and character development and lacked any sort of emotional weight because the dialogue was stilted and juvenile. But the idea of a magical talking cat from a hippie commune in the mountains who is sad about

Hahah, yeah probably. :)

No way. I’ve never understood why people hold up the FF games as these wonderful stories with good narratives and characterization. They’re pretty much universally weird and terrible with all these totally bonkers characters that don’t make any sense. Doesn’t make them not fun though, they just have dumb stories.

Wow...that’s the total opposite of the experience I had. The ME trilogy had what I felt was one of the best endings of any game I’ve played. Granted, this was with all the DLC and the extended version, as I played it late.

I remembered the TV thing - it’s what made them so rad. That and the Robot Buzzard Man. But I had no idea that they had solar burn. Awesome.