
Wait, was that a real thing that happened?

There probably isn’t actually a lot there to inform the consumer about product-wise, and that type of typical marketing would probably hurt them in the long run. The middle to older aged demographic is going to buy it anyway, because they always do. But they will either eventually stop, or pass away which has the same

Holy shit, I would buy all of those. Particularly Visionaries and M.A.S.K. And Captain Power. And Silverhawks.

I gotta agree. This is the best and also it rules.

Was it actually week 4? Man. All that seems so long ago, and I kind of can’t believe Im still playing the game and loving it.

Xur selling Gjallarhorn on week 2 of Destiny was one of the few times in my gaming career that made me glad I often value looks over stats on gear. I bought it because it was the most beatiful piece of gear in the game. I suffered so much ridicule for my poor decision making skills from my fire team, then I shot it at

I stream Destiny on the weekends when I’m giving my kid a bottle. I’m always curious about what tactics some of the higher level players employ in Trials, and I’ve picked up a few moves that way.
I’ll also occasionally stream a game I’m interested in purchasing but not sold on, just to see if it tips me over the edge

While I realize it’s totally lame to go on an article and talk about how you don’t like the subject matter and I normally try to avoid it, I feel strangely compelled! (Has there been a plethora of DBZ on Kotaku lately? Maybe that’s why...)

Some of these are just routine good times though (killing fire team members). It wouldn’t be a proper time with my fire team if we weren’t all trying to get each other killed, and often. How come “Awesome move, this is good times!” isn’t an option?

This is so true, and yet no one seems to get it. I have just as good a chance of getting matched up with a crap group through the current “matchmaking” method of LFG sites, only have I have to jump through a bunch of annoying hoops first. I have yet to see anyone put forth a legitimate reason as to why there is no

There is no good reason not to have matchmaking for raids as an option, and this is coming from someone who has run a shit ton of raids. You get bad groups through the channels available anyway, only those channels are a pain in the ass to use. The people that run with a regular team are going to stick to that, and

Having matchmaking for raids doesn’t mean you have to use it. All it means is that it’s easier to get into a raid if you so choose and exists as an option. As it stands now, if people want to play with randoms they have to go to some annoying to use third party site and jump through a bunch of hoops before they wind

Well, Bats starts talking about Kightfall fairly early in the game if I recall correctly. There are also planting of conversation throughout the course of the story that imply that Bruce is getting ready to stop being Batman. I’m also very familiar with the comic stories all the event of the game was based on, so that

You think so? Huh. I thought this was hands down the best of the bunch, and easily had the best ending of all the Arkham games. I despised the ending of Asylum, enjoyed the ending of City, and loved the ending of Knight.

Nah! 1) Knight 2) City 3) Asylum 4) Origins.
Asylum had a more linear world, a stupid ending, and bad boss battles. Origins was buggy as hell (serious showstopper bugs) and the broke the grappling (and fighting). City didn’t have any major flaws, but I enjoyed the Knight story much more, it’s prettier, it has the

Me too man, me too. I don’t hate mobile games per se, I just have never even played one that I liked, and if I have enough time to kill in a situation where my mobile/tablet is the only way I can pass time I’d much rather read something than play some silly mobile game. I find most of them are designed as time wasters

See now, everything you just said is the opposite of what you should have said. Shadow of Mordor’s nemesis system was brilliant, but couldn’t carry the whole game. I struggled to keep playing and eventually gave up. Everything about Mordor felt like a cheap copy of system’s from another game, only done not was well.

This stuff is great, but those comic style drawings are the opposite of clean lines. It’s actually pretty dirty, loose work (which is still super great!).

Truly unpopular opinion: Neither of them are actually that great. Shenmue is pretty boring (side note, I can’t believe Sony is getting credit for promoting a kickstarter campaign) and FF7 is just okay, but mostly just long and the story is bonkers (but not in the great way).

I looked it up and the Dualshock is literally the worst controller. Sorry!