Those were the ones that game out from some random company during Halo 2 right? They were great! I still have mine somewhere, now I have to go find it...
Those were the ones that game out from some random company during Halo 2 right? They were great! I still have mine somewhere, now I have to go find it...
I know, I know. I was teasing. Fair bit of photoshop work on this, but they didn’t cover it annoying filters and add a bunch of crap. Mostly just “pure” photo editing.
They used all of photoshop on these photos. The whole thing.
Most AC games are quite good. Unity was a misstep from what I’ve read, and III was a bit boring but still cool due to it’s setting. Folks like different things, you know? I greatly enjoy the AC games, but can’t stand Final Fantasy games and sorta can’t believe they are as popular as they are. Go figure, huh?
Yeah, that’s my plan. So far the Hinterlands is a great zone with some fun quests and things to discover. I’m in no rush to leave it. Especially since I didn’t like the second zone my guys got to as much, that rocky coast place. It was neat, but I like Hinterlands more. And I’ll admit, I tend to lightly RP Bioware…
I know, I know! That’s what everyone says. So this is my fourth character (takes me awhile to find a class/face I click with), and the others all left the Hinterlands rather rapidly. I’m spending some time here this go round because I really like it aesthetically, and I needed a horse. But I’ll leave as soon as it…
I recently got into it during the lull in Destiny and I love it (granted, I startd over a few times so I'm only ten hours in or so, still in Hinterlands). I do wish they would change the basic attack though - holding down left trigger to auto attack is not very exciting.
I will never understand why people think Hideo Kohima is awesome. MGS games are snooze fests (YMMV, I understand that’s just my opinion), the stories are bonkers and silly (again, I know that’s just like, my opinion man), and he always does crazy shit like this.
I’ve played Borderlands. 1 & 2, multiple times. Had no interest in The Pre-Sequel as I was a little Borderlands-ed out and didn’t like some of the new mechanics they introduced (oxygen). Love them, they’re superb games packed with fun, but they’re shooting mechanics leave a bit to be desired. Still, it’s a franchise…
Sure, I won’t argue that there’s a ton of missed potential in Destiny. But I still think the game is excellent, and that I enjoy it more than most other games I’ve played in the last few years.
Yeah, I don’t think something necessarily has to be groundbreaking to be excellent. If we all only played ground breaking games we would play very few games.
Well, sounds like you don’t like Destiny! That’s cool. I still love it, and thinks it’s fantastic in spite of it’s efforts to frustrate me. :)
I’m not going to deny that it needs more play spaces, but I can’t think of any other game from the last couple years that I’ve played and enjoyed more.
I’d probably place it in my personal top 5 of the last 3 or 4 years. The amount of fun I’ve had in Destiny is unmatched by any other game in semi-recent memory.
But Destiny is also so great! It's weird.
Destiny is great. I still play multiple times a week and I'm sure that will increase when HoW hits. One of the best games of the last few years. Different strokes. :)
This article is kind of silly. P.T. is Konami’s, they can do with it what they want. None of us know what’s going on over at Konami internally, why they are making the decisions they do, and all this rage and evil name calling is silly.
There must be a line where it crosses over from being cosplay into professional costume making. This is crazy.
This is the best Black Widow I’ve seen in a long time. Wish this what she looked like in the comics.
Is this Darkwatch? Man, I was so into that game.