
Yeah, holy cow, I'm listening to it right now - it's wicked. And suddenly all those early to mid-90s brit pop bands I listened to in college are making a lot more sense.

Thanks much!

Anybody know what tune that was playing at the end there?

Why did they all turn into 14 year olds?


One night this week, I left someone knocking furiously on my door for a good 10 or 15 minutes while I kept shouting, "One second!" We were just so close to taking these last two towers and sealing our team's victory.

But that's kind of what Destiny is - the most fun, yet frustrating game in town. The people who play it love it to death and are also incredibly frustrated by the game and the decisions Bungie makes.

Oh yeah, if you like JRPGs, or japanese style games in general, that Playstation is your jam. I fully recognize that.

Cool beans, thanks!

I see this sentiment a lot, the idea that the Xbox has bad exclusives, and it boggles my mind. I love the Xbox exclusives and am generally bored by the Playstation franchises.

I play a lot of Kart, 3D World, New SMB Wii U, and SNES games. I'm slowly playing through Pikmin and Windwaker. I loved Wonderful 101. I still need to get Bayonetta. I sadly don't have Smash yet. Rahman is sublime (multi-play, I know, but I bought my Wii U when it was expected to be console exclusive).

Really? Huh. What if you hated every single other Dynasty Warriors game because they're boring? Still worth it? (Honest question)

I have more games for my Wii U than all but one other system in my house. Its the most fun you can have on a console right now.

Oh, hah! Good luck! :)

Oh, I wasn't trying to convince you. Just pointing out examples of games that answer your question of "What exclusives are there, making the One a must own console over the PS4". It's a n inherently subjective answer, I know. I will point out that Sunset Overdrive is largely a single player game. It has a

Sunset Overdrive, Titanfall, Halo MCC (uh, when it works. Thanks 343), quite a few people were excited for Dead Rising 3, Killer Instict, Ryse (Not a system seller, just an exclusive). I bought mine because of Halo and was an early adopter because of Titanfall. And if I had known it was as amazing as it is SO

Yeah, I always hope the prolific use of exclamation points will make it obvious, but it never seems to work. Maybe I'll have to resort to all caps?

I was just teasing, on all fronts.

Oh, I almost 100% agree. I would still want my X1 sitting next to it. There are definitely days though, where I play the "if I could only have one" game, and the Wii U wins. Not always, but there are definitely days.

The Wii U is incredible, and mostly crushes it's competition in it's ability to deliver fun, engaging games with great replay value. Love mine to death.