Yeah, Playstation exclusives aren't that great. Subjective of course, but I'm in the same boat as you and I don't get the hype surrounding most of their marquee games, with a few exceptions (Last of Us!)
Yeah, Playstation exclusives aren't that great. Subjective of course, but I'm in the same boat as you and I don't get the hype surrounding most of their marquee games, with a few exceptions (Last of Us!)
In fact, let's just get this out of the way. Should you play The Order: 1886?
Hey, that's fair! People like different things. I don't like Sony Exclusives, dislike the controller, and my entire circle of real life friends is on X1 so I can't find any reason to purchase a PS4 (but I don't really hate it. If a viable reason pops up I'll budget out some money to buy one.)
Ah, I see. Good points all. Thanks for 'splaining.
Why so hostile!
I've never liked any of the Playstation exclusive (Minus Wipeout and the PS3 Naughty Dog games), and I hate (loath) using their controller. So IMHO X1 is a better console. And yeah, PC gives the greatest options, but I don't have one.
Awww, sadly I can't afford to buy a PC because I spoiled myself by buying too many consoles.
That's fair! PS4 doesn't have any exclusives that are up my alley and I really can't stand the dual shock. So I have no plans to buy one, but I said the same thing about the PS3 and then Uncharted came out and suddenly there was one sitting under my TV, so who knows.
Huh. What can't you access besides Chaos Squad? Or is it just Chaos Squad. (Just curious really, I have no beef with your statement.)
There is always a reason to own all the consoles! You just need to find it in your heart!
Wait, your example games don't match what you are talking about. Those games (Darksiders, Daxters, etc.) are all super long. Or maybe I'm confused as to what you are actually trying to say? Who knows! My guess is that we aren't going to agree, either way. :)
Uncharted 3 sucked. That's why I didn't mention it. And I felt that Tomb Raider was nicely paced, engaging me from beginning to end. But hey, that's pretty subjective. My point still stands though, that there is the third option of making a quality product that moves units.
Or C) Put out a high value product that has a good return on investment without padding. Like Last of Us, or Uncharted, or Tomb Raider. (I understand that peoples definition of padding is possibly subjective)
Huge Roddick fan. Who's with me?
Warhammer did this and it was amazing. You could have one enemy, or offensive target, and one party, or defensive target. So the if you through and offensive or defensive ability it would automatically go to the correct target. It was one of those ideas that I kind of can't believe we've never seen again. Oh…
Yeah, sorry. Rare is a better word.
Destiny has a very, very, very minor vault problem with some players reporting that all their gear goes poof.
A heavy ammo pack costs nearly 1,000 glimmer at the gunsmith, so if you run out of heavy ammo packs and want to go raiding, first you'll have to spend a big chunk of time mindlessly grinding glimmer at the exclusion zone.
yup! i thought it said rape at first myself, and was very surprised to see it on kotaku.
I think the posters are from Mondo.