Yeah, I agree. I was being a little sarcastic. Super fun game, missing a lot of little features that could have made it the best ever.
Yeah, I agree. I was being a little sarcastic. Super fun game, missing a lot of little features that could have made it the best ever.
I know! It'd be so great. Gotta save some of that fun stuff for Destiny 2 I suppose. :)
No need to apologize man. To each their own. I love the game and believe Bungie is taking it in a solid direction. Sure, they've made missteps, but they are correcting course and the game is super fun to play, so I keep playing right alongside my fire team.
My fire team uses rockets. No primaries involved.
Nope. Been playing them for 15 years.
ARs might have the fastest fire rate but they have terrible impact. So you throw a million wet noodles at a mob really fast, or hit them with one truck.
Agh! Xbox 1 user here. I don't get all the fun toys. Love that armor though.
Yeah, I saw that you wrote that. I felt the need to respond because I felt like you were lecturing me based on incorrect assumptions, and I wanted to attempt to make it clear that I actually knew what I was doing and I'm not some scrub fire team member. But that's probably a fault of the medium we are communicating…
I'm not using Red Death for high DPS, I'm using it for it's reliable healing perk (it works better than Suros) when I'm running the sword. My job there is to stay alive and hit Crota, not DPS a bunch of ads and Red Death consistantly heals better than Suros.
You know, those two helmets where the only two in TDB that I actually liked (the top one is way better. The bottom one just has a soda can on it.)? And we were getting along so famously too! I tend to like hunter gear that looks funcional, and those looked like they were designed to be used in hostile environments…
Oh, trust me, I've used tons of weapons in tons of situations. I'm not a Destiny noob. :) I just don't see a lot of people using auto rifles. I mean they occasionally have their place, but they just get outperformed by other weapons in most situations. Personally, I use my Suros in Crota Hard mode for the chance…
Are auto rifles that popular though? I know no one in my regular group uses them, and outside of sub level 20 characters and Crucible I very rarely see them out in the wild. It's just hard to go with an auto rifle when a decent scout or hand cannon will out DPS it every time.
I think the saddest thing about armor design in Destiny is that you look so, so rad on your way to level 20. Sleek. Futuristic. Functional. Bad ass. And then you get all the end game armor and you look like an ugly terrible reject version of whatever the big bad happens to be at the time.
Literally every single friend I have that plays games is playing Destiny, and all of them are planning on playing it for quite some time to come. Not all of us have the time/budget/desire to play every new game all the time so we stick with ones we find that we love.
If you enjoy Destiny's gameplay and you have a fireteam to run Crota's End with every week then it's definitely worth it. If you don't do Crota's End with a regular group (or if you don't want to PUG it I suppose) then probably not.
Crota's End: Crota's End begins in a standalone area above the Hellmouth on the Moon. Your group has to stand on a platform to raise a bridge out to the middle, then jump through a hole. You fall and fall and fall and fall, until you land in a darkened cave. From there, you have to run a twisting path through a…
Good points, all. I have no idea what happened in Skyrim either (or Fallout, or Kingdoms of Amalur, etc.) but I played a bunch of it and had fun, so I'm okay with that.
See, i think a world were gameplay reigns king for video games is awesome. Too much blah blah story in a lot of modern games at the expense of actually being able to play the damn thing.
Yeah, hey that's fair. Different strokes and all that. I think I just got sick of all the general tropes found in RPGs as I was growing up (What's the meaning of existence! Why is this girl making me sad! How come every character is 16!). And I generally don't play games looking for an impactful story with…
Hahah! Yeah, probably. Isn't that the case with most things for most of us though?