
But what about the common cost of your wallet that readers have poured into their Xbox Ones? The most frequently occurring numbers range from $500-$800, with the $500 range winning out, but a good amount of you also spent in the $1,100+ range, spanning into the $2,000s. The list includes a wide variety of games, Xbox

Both of my comments should be read with a smile, as that's the most frequent expression on my face. Takes a lot to make me miserable. Just poking fun at something that I find silly is all.

Man, I knew there was a reason I had been enjoying Kotaku so much more the last few months, just couldn't put my finger on it. I've long been disgruntled by the "what's next" mentality of gaming, so this article makes me very, very happy. Cheers to you guys, and thanks so much!

That's my biggest fear. That the game will be fun for a day and then the novelty wears off and the repetition sets in. That's a lot like what happened with L4D. And Weird Al albums.

Man, Ubisoft games always win all the most-excited-ever awards. It's so dumb.

Oh, yeah. It was more a comment on the fact that those "awards" are junk and the industry is transparently full of dumb hype at times. Those 60 awards basically amount to "60 people who are excited to play this game when it comes out that we may have bought off."

Ah hah! I had so many arguments with people about the raid and matchmaking and the whole "it HAS to be six conjoined twins to beat it" thing. I have always held to the idea that the raid was going to get crushed by 2-3 people. I win all those arguments!

Winner of over 60 awards? It's not even out yet!

That was...awful.

Yeah, that's what I'm expecting to happen. That's why I'm playing SO MUCH Destiny right now. Gotta store it all up. I figure after the little dude shows up I will occasionally get a match of Halo in and that's about it. Really, it's kinda by choice though. :)

X1- $500

To be clear, I had a lot "wait, what?" moments with the Bear books that forced me to re-read a passage. But that's weirdness that I had to dig through was what I enjoyed so much about them. I had a friend who did them audio book style (he had what sound like the same issues you did reading them), and he loved it

I've read 'em all, multiple times. Fall of Reach, Contact Harvest, Onyx etc. are all more exciting and action packed for sure, but Greg Bears stuff is just chock full of weird, cool stuff and loads of important Halo lore. The series I liked the least would probably be the Karen Travis stuff. I had to slog through

No way, the Greg Bear Halo books are rad! They're some of the best halo book available.

That's not even close to true. I don't loot cave, and I have multiple legendaries for my armor and weapon slots, and 7 exotics. All through strikes, missions, bounties and crucible.

You can still run bounties/strikes to earn rep. Marks are just currency - you still need to earn the rep to purchase. Not to mention the fact that you get stuff every time you level up a vendor.

Well, in particular I liked the juxtaposition of the comment on the story and the alien weapons together. You have this great, well thought out post and then just this odd little jumble of a sentence at the end. It was like a punchline.

I love your last sentence so much. I also love everything else you said. But I really love that last sentence.

I was referencing the above commentary who was saying that people are already bored and having nothing to do in Destiny. Not the fact that shooting into a cave is boring (although oddly relaxing).

it's crazy to me that people are bored already. Level 26 hunter and not even close to bored.