
Yup, tired of it. I'm very much the opposite of excited for this installment, and AC is one of my favorite franchises of the last gen. Couldn't care less about the setting.

How is it a gambling game? There's no gambling involved. Or are you talking about the cash shop and RNG?

But that's what most campaigns are? Battlefield, CoD, MoH, Homefront...they have totally shit campaigns that aren't worth playing. Are you mad about it in TF because the idea of an MP campaign was cool?

I think all of your points are wrong and have the opposite opinion on everything you mentioned. But hey, opinions. TF is more than worth $60 for the amount of quality content it contains. But there are plenty of games that I would never spend that money on because I think they're trash. Keep on playing what you

I think all of your points are wrong and have the opposite opinion on everything you mentioned. But hey, opinions. TF is more than worth $60 for the amount of quality content it contains. But there are plenty of games that I would never spend that money on because I think they're trash. Keep on playing what you

That's too bad. You should get it. RoS is the best thing that Blizz has put out in like 5 years.

Me too man, me too. :(

I'm not very good at Diablo, so I had the same reaction as you when I started playing again. Currently playing as a Crusdaer and was destroying normal. I started ramping up the difficulty until it got interesting and found that Expert is currently my sweet spot. It forces me to work smarter to win past large packs

I was just about to type the same thing. Best part of the whole video.

Nintendium! That stuff is indestructible. For some odd reason, my friends and I decided to figure out how indestructible the NES was after he dropped his down the stairs. We convinced my dad to drive over it, back and forth, multiple times in our big station wagon. Worked perfectly afterwards.

Why are the people in MMO's (especially Eastern ones) always so well groomed and coifed and clean. It makes me crazy. It's like watching a show on the CW.

This game is awesome. It's still one of the most fun MMO's out there. Definitely can't play it in the hardcore manner a lot of MMO's support, but picking up it for an hour or three every week is a joy. Superheros man. Superheros.

I actually don't think he was throwing fuel on the hate fire. The article may be playing up the "Notch is anti-FB angle," but the tone of Notch's blog post is actually quite respectful and even a bit positive, while still honestly displaying his frustrations and laying out why he chooses not to do business with

But that stuff is no longer epic right? I mean, it doesn't signify that you are hardcore anymore as it's years and years old. So how does that detract? Following your argument, transmog systems don't stop you from being able to show off the latest greatest gear, so you can still get that thrill of knowing you

Why do you hate it? Nothing here (just like WoW's transmog) is stopping you from being able to show off that super leet gear so you can pretend to be better than other people. ;) I tease. For reals though, what's the actual beef here?

Some of these are pretty weird. The Diablo, Tassadar and Nova ones in particular. They lose some much of the visual identity of that actual character that they look like completely different characters. Not sure if I approve, but not sure if that matters?

I thought it was a girl...

So, this was maybe answered elsewhere but how do these work with glasses? The pictures I see make it look like they aren't taken into account at all.

I really wish Metal Gear games weren't so batshit insane. I always watch videos of them and think they look like fun, but in reality when I play them it's awful. I'm not saying the games are bad (personal tastes and all that), it's just a small personal tragedy that I hate them. Which sounds contradictory I know.

The discs are probably printed already, and it'll be a day one patch. Or it's all bogus and they're trying to push more XB1s.