I love that his outfit is supposed to be all cool and modern. But it's really just slightly skinnier of versions of the stuff I wore to high school a long, long time ago. Fashion. Fashion never changes.
I love that his outfit is supposed to be all cool and modern. But it's really just slightly skinnier of versions of the stuff I wore to high school a long, long time ago. Fashion. Fashion never changes.
Almost all console games spend a large portion of their development time on PC. Models, level and texture are built at super high quality on a PC then stripped own for the console. Anytime you watch a developer video of "actual gameplay" it's safe to assume that they are staying true to the letter of that statement…
So this article is another experience in a long string that makes me realize I'm older and stodgier than I think I am. I read that first letter and just thought "What? This is crazy, and totally self inflicted. Don't mess around with people, relationship or others emotions (and sorry, you can't have sex/fool around…
I shop at gamestop and I'm in my 3rd decade. Not always, but sometimes. Part of the reason is that if I'm going to give my money to a giant corporation, I'd like to do it in a way that supports my local economy at least in part. While I would prefer a small, locally owned shop I don't have that option. So I…
I'm not saying it's not about the Titans, perhaps I misspoke. It's about the choices made while playing and trading strengths and weaknesses around as well as proactively effecting the engagement space. The Titans are the result of one of the choices to make during play. A choice without a result is worthless from…
Again, that goes back to the problem of giving players an in game mechanic and then not allowing them to use it for arbitrary reasons. That's bad design and would drive players away due to the fact that it turns the gameplay loop into a frustration loop.
Yeah, fair points. I think the holy shit moments of Titanfall are a little more predictable though. There's simply less combinations allowed. Doesn't make them any less impressive than Battlefield, but they are going to be the same type of moments repeated. In Battlefield it's harder for me to predict what those…
Giving players a fun play mechanic and then arbitrarily disallowing them from using would be a pretty bad design decision. If people couldn't call in Titans because their teammates had them all ready it would just create a frustration loop. It's like giving everyone a piece of delicious pie, but then telling some of…
I play a lot of Battlefield, and I'm trying to decide if Titanfall has those better "moments." BF has crazy stuff happening all the time. But it's a different kind of crazy? Regardless, some of the moments in Titanfall are amazing. I'm pretty constantly sitting there with my mouth agape, completely forgetting to…
Super curious why people rag on the player count thing. What's your issue with it? Why would more players = better? Some of the best MP experiences I've had are 4 on 4 on 4 matches in the various Halo games. Yeah, I love the huge player counts of something like Battlefield but what would adding more players to…
I love this game. Lot's of smart design decisions, and it's just damn fun. I especially like that there isn't an overwhelmingly large amount of weapons. They stuck to one of each "type" and called it good, which is a smart decision that more devs should follow.
I never understood the bitterness. Of course most of the shit you see In e3 trailers is fake, gussied up, or untrue. Duh, people.
Is it like a hobby? I'm honestly curious. When people make a point of drawing attention to the fact that they hate something it makes me curious as to why. And I've never seen the point of ragging on consoles, pros and cons to each, you know? Maybe I'm the weird one.
Or maybe you don't hate it and it's just fun for you…
Least favorite thing in games right now. I hate them more than QTE crap. Stopped playing COD because of them, and I. Sad they are creeping into Halo and everything else.
I can't decide if the part where the stupid looking robot transforms it's face into a gun is stupid or incredible.
I lent my PS3 to a buddy the other day to specifically play through the ND games. It was interesting to watch his excitement levels and interest in the UC series as he played all three game back to back. He went from "holy crap, this is awesome" to "how did they make it even better" to "WTF this game is boring and…
Oh ugh, that ship level. Playing through Uncharted 3 I was all "well, this game is alright. It's not as good as the first two, but it's decent." Then I hit that ship level. Eff that game and it's useless strung together set pieces that don't really make any sense.
It might have been the pilot that was trying to kill you. Total guess there, but it would make sense. We'll find out on March 11.