your mileage may vary
your mileage may vary
That's cool! All the PS3 stuff, man - it stills bugs me when I think about it. Remember when Jack Tretton challenged anyone to go find a PS3 on the shelf? Said he'd give 'em like a thousand bucks or something if they did so Pennie Arcade went out and found a bunch of them. Good times.
My work here is done! :)
Fair enough. :) I have those same general feeling about Sony, I think they are arrogant jerks - but i recognize that as an emotional decision I'm making and it isn't really based in any kind of logic. If it was, I'd have to be annoyed at all the big companies I guy shit from (wait, maybe I am!). I'll still…
I gotcha. I just was musing aloud as to why people pigeonholed themselves into one system. Forcing oneself into a singular decision based on "this one does the most stuff" seems odd to me is all, so I was wondering why people did that. Does it do the right stuff for your needs? Do you like the stuff it does? What…
I get that some folks don't have the money, but I'll stand by my statement that if you can afford one you can afford two. It might take a year or three to save up for it, but it's doable. I did it. I just don't understand the point of "sticking to one system." All that really means is you can't play a bunch of…
That's my point. Gaming sites picked up on the idea that they could generate clicks/buzz if they pushed that story. So they did. But most of the "average" people I talk to, that aren't gamers, know what the Wii U is. The news sites created a self-perpetuating story. Totally willing to be wrong, but I only ever…
I mostly see that. I've sort of always been of the opinion that people stick to one console because they have messed up senses of loyalty and ideas of what's "good." If you can afford to buy one, you can eventually afford to buy another. But people don't, because theirs is the best, and that other one sucks. Which…
This is one of the reasons I love the Blizzard concept art books. They put in a lot of "napkin" sketches from artist that I would qualify as creatively skilled, but technically challenged. As in, their drawings suck. But it's fun to see the idea move from a crappy drawing to an amazing end-of-development art piece…
Yeah, well, just getting my morning stretch in.
People that prefer Nintendo first-party games over what Sony or MS have to offer prioritize gameplay mechanics and fun over "epic cinematic stories" or leveling up in multi-player. Somewhat of a guess, and slightly snarky I know, but it holds true for me at least. I will replay a Nintendo game till the cows come…
They don't? I assume that if you want everything, you have to buy everything. Maybe not right away, but eventually.
Damn, Wonderful 101. That game is so good. Bought it, love it, everyone needs it.
I don't actually know a singled person who thinks that the Wii U is an add on to the Wii. I'm willing to be that is a perception created by the sites we frequent. My sibling, my nieces/nephews, my parents, my in-laws, my friends. They all know what it is, and I don't really talk gaming with them so they learned on…
Disagree. It's a perfectly acceptable level of power, it does things no other console can, and it has the best line-up of games available right now. Am I winning!?
Aternatively, it makes sense that it's more complicated. If the post-apocalyptic people are building their gear out of shit they scavenge then it's going to look all complicated and crazy as they co-opt busted stuff to do things it wasn't originally meant to do.
I have so much nerd stuff around my house but for some reason I can't bring myself to operate with a nerdy desktop on my computer. Makes me feel sheepish.
It kind of is though. He basically described an MMO, but purposely cast it in a negative light. Xhrit read it, and saw it as a positive because it's the things he/she likes in an MMO. Just a guess, but I kind of had the same reaction the Xhrit did.
Having lived in New England for a long time I've never quite understood what the "yankee" stereotype is. Never in my life have I been surrounded by nicer people than in New England (minus Boston). Unless maybe Yankee = rich people from Connecticut?