
What's with the crappy version of Tron music? I hope that's not the theme music for the movie.

Man, I clicked on this article specifically to post about how fries dipped in a frosty are the greatest thing, but you've got the bases covered. Amen brother. I can't stand fast food, but I will go to Wendy's any day just for this.

Nope! The end of ME3 is one of my all time favorite game endings!

Sentence of the day.

I remember reading an interview (maybe seeing a making off?) with some of the people that worked on the Alien movie. They talked about how the xenomorphs were designed to be sexual. Makes sense with the face huggers, the mouth tongue, the way the xenomorphs invade and co-opt another species, even the sinuous way

There's something weird about his mask here. I like it, but it looks like an alternate reality Vader. Too sleek and mean.

Don't worry, they have plans to add a lot more customization options. I bet you'll be able to make that guy once they are fully up and running.

Hey cool! My sister-in-law is involved in this! Nice to see it spreading.

Is someone automatically an idiot for buying an apple product? I understand it's the internet and all, where opinion reigns supreme, but it seems like a broad sweep to classify people in this way. Oh well, it's still a funny joke.

Ah. I think I'm conflating that bit with an interview I read where one of the designers said there was an ingame reason for it. Oh well, suspension of disbelief to the rescue!

They explain that away in the beginning of the game while Chief is waking up. Cortana tells him that basically she had time on her hands so she upgraded all of his shit while he was in cryo.

Props for the Lord Humongous reference.

Holy crap. I couldn't remember that for the life of me, thanks! You just made my day. That game was so good. There were quite a lot of unsung gems on the original Xbox. All in all it was a great system with killer games.

Oh man. Otogi! Crimson Sea! GunValkyrie! Such memories. I would add Phantom Dust to that list. And there was this crazy arena mech game that blew my mind…you drove around little Ghost in the Shell looking' mechs, you could upgrade em, there was some silly future-tokyo story or some such nonsense. That game was

This is the truth. I miss this so much about Halo CE. My group of friends had a custom rule set to play split screen with, and it was probably different than yours. But you damn well better follow those rules or there was hell to pay. It actually felt more balanced than most shooters today. If some dude in Halo

Dude anyone else catch that tease for the Spectre Titan? It was in both Hammond videos.

It works, but it's disappointment. It has a big Beta tease, then hangs up on you.

I dunno man, Star Citizen looks cool, but I think this game looks better from a visual stand point. But I'm a sucker for a killer aesthetic and tone. If I had to pick one right now, admittedly based on really limited info, I would pick No Mans Sky. I'm willing to be an outlier though.

This instantly made it to the top of my most wanted list. Granted, that's based on art style and references to olde sci-fi novels, but man does it look great great. Like the covers of all the books I read when I was a kid.

No way. Toys in the 80's where the best. I walk through the isles at Toys R' Us these days and it's pretty limited in what you can by, and the non-big name stuff is super lame.