
Is there no news to cover from the other AFC teams? Who cares? When's the last time a conspicuous star rising in the East led to anything important?

While I can't condone vandalism, it's impressive that someone was able to sneak into the stadium, unlock the case, hit the rock hard enough to break it, and then sneak back out, all without being detected.

I'm sure Chief Dodson was a huge help in contriving this latest "Redskin is actually respectful" argument. Roger will probably call on him again; those people know like fifty different kinds of snow jobs.

16.7%? Seems like the Brooklyn-ness really is the sixth man.

In Chapman's defense, the treats were supposed to be provided to him gradually, one at a time. But then they kept being put in front of him ever more quickly until Aroldis was forced to stuff them in his mouth, hat, wherever.

So the judge is going to weigh the rights of the person INSIDE the bus against the bus's own rights. That's delicate legal ground, with far reaching implications. I mean, all of us at some point rode in a bus. But then again, what if the bus was your daughter?

She was immediately hired by the University of Portland since they have a long tradition of celebrating Wright, brothers.

It's not just Tharold. That whole family is known to boss people around.

This Marine should have known better. Kendrick orders you to perform a Code (Sedona) Red, you do it. You follow orders or dickbag owner's cry. It's that simple. And in seats like that? This family can't handle that booth.

Lesser known fact about how they got each animal to make a noise:

They might start all in, but before you know it, you're writhing on the court with only 205/206 in.

Ronald: You son of a bitch.

It's just not in Gill's nature to have air time without violently thrashing around.

If you're taking the time to buy the watermelon, drill the hole, AND microwave it, I say there's a tacit consent. But I'm a bit old fashioned that way.

"Absolutely Be Raisin Woman in New Jersey"

This reporter is a bit off. The first guy he saw is clearly a racist shithead. But the second one was just pulling his leg.

The practice of reporting the Gross with no Net is known among sports journalists as the "Wallenda Rule".

Proving that his connection to the team is completely severed, the ex-coach has reverted to using his birthname: Lindy Urff.

First the boar head. Then divisions in the locker room degrading into open hostility. Before you know it, they'll murder Joe Maddon just to use his glasses as a firestarter.

I feel worse for the poor bastard dressed as William Henry Harrison reporting on the rainstorm outside the gym.