
Ice-T was a master of his craft and is one of the progenitors of gangsta rap (arguably the first to really lay down visceral, hardcore tracks). Two of his albums — Iceberg and O.G. — are some of the most finely crafted gangsta rap albums ever... it wasn't just about acting like a thug, his lyrics and his stories were

Steam doesn't publish sales figures, but the game makers do get to know what the sales figure for their own games are.

I don't really what words to use to articulate this, but I always felt that melee combat was "just for show". By that I mean that swinging my sword doesn't really have any effect — it's just an animation that plays out while numbers are crunching behind the scenes. It doesn't matter where my sword swings and doesn't

"Obnoxious voice overs" was referring to the guy who created the video (Revegelance), who was talking while playing the game (and justifiably so — it's his own Let's Play series, after all). It definitely was NOT referring to the voice acting.

The points he makes are pretty good. However, I think trying to make an analogy between arcades and consoles is flawed. There was a time where arcades gave roughly the same experience that consoles did — and I'd say that's around the time of the Atari 2600. Both sets of systems were playing relatively-simple games

"KOTOR" and "WoW" are pretty terrible examples in reference to this specific discussion. It's completely unsurprising why "KOTOR" and "WoW" are used — they're obviously letter-for-letter acronyms of longer titles. That's almost irrelevant to the discussion of how applicable it is to use "Game of Thrones" instead of "A

There's a Civ 5 expansion due out. I'm not actually sure what the release date is (perhaps a few months from now?), but if you're going to be getting any kind of extra Civ5 content, it's gotta be that. Each DLC adds a new civ, but the expansion will add a bunch of civs (9, I think?), new wonders, new units, new

The theory of relativity puts forth the idea that there are no special reference frames — every (non-accelerating) perspective is the same. Me moving away from you at a certain speed is exactly the same as you moving away from me at a certain speed. It is no more correct to say "I'm moving away from you" than it is to

I LOVED coming up with creative ways to use my team's special powers and analyzing the map to freely choose how I wanted to approach trouble spots. Really loved the 3 main games in the series and wish there was something like it around today. A really interesting mix of stealth and puzzle-solving elements.

You are right about your assessment. However, I think that also was the intention of the game. It's a straight dungeon crawler, designed to give you full flexibility to create a party with the full intention that the game is ALL about the battles and character stat building. Some of those battles were pretty tough and

Super Meat Boy's really not like any other platformer you've played. It is EXTREMELY difficult. Beating levels requires extremely precise timing and movement. You will die THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of times during the course of the game (there's an in-game death counter). This is mitigated, however, by the fact that

Video games are not a "waste of time". I write and produce music and occasionally do performances at small venues. You know what got me into music? Final Fantasy VI. I played that when I was 13 and inspired me so much to pursue music and now it's the major passion of my life.

It's hard to recommend something unless we know what you've played before or what you like. For example, have you played the Half-Lifes? Have you tried Team Fortress 2? Do you like games like Civilization? How 'bout The Witcher 1 or 2? The Total War games? There are tons of great PC-only games. (I know Orange Box was

Which is STILL better than a VAST majority of game plots.

I don't think many people will have that much of an issue of it. For example, I am Vietnamese (as well as many of my gamer friends). When I play games that dealt with the Vietnam War, my only reaction is to laugh at how silly the stereotyping is... and then I just continue shooting at Vietnamese soldiers. It's kind

This isn't really a direct response to you, but you touched upon the semantic issue. I HATE the fact that the genre is called "role-playing games".... because you always get people who try to make the tired assertion that any game where you play a role is thus a "role-playing game", which is absolutely false (there

Although the gist of what you're saying makes sense and would be logical... the developers can pretty much do whatever they want. Let's just pretend that Ezio's grandson hopped on a ship and made it to the New World where he then impregnates a Native American. Boom! Desmond now has a Native American ancestor (with

I haven't checked the site yet, but for this site to be comprehensive, it's going to need an entire encyclopedia's worth of information to deal with Games for Windows Live.

How is EA involved in this at all? The guys broke STATE gambling laws and are being charged by the state (or whoever the relevant authorities are). After EA sent those copies out, they are not involved in this story whatsoever.