You might already know this but once you launch that single-player game, you can Alt-Tab out and resume all of the downloads and it will download while you play.
You might already know this but once you launch that single-player game, you can Alt-Tab out and resume all of the downloads and it will download while you play.
Just purely FYI, from a programmer's perspective, I can tell you it doesn't really need fixed IP or logged MAC address or anything like that. Your Steam client already has a channel/connection (technically, a socket connection) to the servers, which is a two-way thing. The servers don't have to know where you are,…
The manual will help a little. It's still not as explanatory as it could be.
I'm not sure what the problem is, you SHOULD be able to declare war on an independent. In fact, that's one of the requirements of declaring war (i.e. that he is independent). When you go to the diplomacy page, is the "Declare War" button grayed out? If so, hover over it to see what the requirements there are for you…
I was trying to mathematically work out how you could be exactly 1/18th of anything and realized that at some point you had to have had at least two different ancestors that was the direct offspring of three parents. And I'm not talkin' step-parents or anything like that, I mean three sets of DNA combined to make one…
I loved this game when I played it long ago. I thought the whole idea of time travelling by playing through future sequels (Space Quest XII, etc.) was so creative and brilliant.
Info here:
Yeah, I was trying to read through the comments under the new system and had NO IDEA what was going on. The "Latest" tab is one of the worst ideas I've ever seen on a website — completely destroys the entire purpose of having "conversations" when EVERY conversation combines to become one BIG conversation.
Oh, you "third part" haters. This is precisely the attitude that prevents Valve from releasing the third part of any series. :)
None of these things have anything to do with tech. Every item here could have been done in pen-and-paper RPGs and old 8- or 16-bit games, if the designers chose to. I fail to see how we didn't do these things because of TECHNICAL limits. Instead, they were chosen because they were DESIGN decisions made by the game…
And aaaaaactually, I DO think all he did was unplug the monitor. The way that the monitor "shuts down" (that wavy distortion) leads me to believe that the monitor was unplugged but not the computer. When you unplug a computer with the monitor still on, the monitor should just go immediately blank (loss of signal).…
Given the technical expertise displayed in this clip, I would bet that all he did was unplug the monitor.
I hope this show brings with it the technical authenticity I demand from shows like this.
You know, I was really confused reading your comment because "AC" can stand for both "Arkham City" and "Assassin's Creed". :)
The person who owns the Internet cafe is probably not the same person who is in charge of kids with no shoes. Exactly WHOSE priorities are "jacked"? If you're saying that the owner of the Internet Cafe should give away money to the people who have no shoes... couldn't you make a similar "rich should give to poor"…
There's a difference between "vacation" when used colloquially and when used in the context of labor agreements. The type of "vacation" you take with your family is not the same as the "vacation" that is used in labor contracts and the workplace. In the latter case, unless otherwise specified, it is commonly assumed…
This is an honest question: Are people still doing this "America Fuck Yeah" thing even despite the fact that the publisher has clearly and repeatedly said that there will be targets/Templars on both sides of the war and that nothing is black-and-white in the game? I mean, is this just a sarcastic in-joke or are people…
Mistborn is an awesome fantasy series — very interesting plot, great characters, a very unique world, and just overall very creative (no elves and dwarves here, that's for sure). Funny enough, while reading some of the fights, I really DID feel like I was reading a video game fight — with really unique "mechanics",…
I find playing Tic-Tac-Toe trying to get 5 in a row and played on an "infinite" board (i.e. no boundaries, just infinite grid-space) a legitimately interesting game. (Play with 4-in-a-row to make it a more casual game)
To me depth is simply the idea that the game is designed in a way such that as I play more, I can continually find new and interesting ways to accomplish whatever it is I'm trying to accomplish. It doesn't necessarily have to do with "complexity" — though increased complexity overall does mean that there's simply more…