
I think you're taking it a little too seriously. It's a mod... made by devoted fans with no compensation... trying to bring one game world into a completely different game world. To expect any kind of fidelity to the source material is kind of missing the point. The point is that it exists at all — not that that it

No nipples, but on the plus side, she IS well-shaved.

Okay, I was happily smirking while reading the article, but when it got to the boyfriend named "Car Washer" and his only statistic is how much money he provided, that's when the guffaws came out. This game is beautiful.

As mentioned, you don't need all your characters beefed up. One super-strong character, two halfway-decent characters, and one crappy character in each party is perfectly fine enough. If you're keen about it, you really only need one super-strong character and one half-way decent character and two crappy characters.


It's actually a little funny you say that "No 50 year old" has heard of Monkey Island... when it was made in 1989, 50 year olds of today were 28, which was still well in the age range for the PC gaming geek movement at the time, many of whom loved all of those Sierra/Lucasarts classics. In terms of classic gaming, 50

Not trying to dictate your style, but I'm not understanding why you want to conquer them. City-states are overpowered because they provide you TOO MUCH when you ally (i.e. bribe) them. Maritime city-states for a large empire is grossly overpowered. With recent patches, culture is so useful now (some social policies

Are we talking single player or multiplayer with regards to RPG elements? Because the only RPG elements in MW and Battlefield are in their multiplayer... but the experience you're describing sounds like single player.

I'm surprised, I didn't think Jack In The Boxes had that much variation from town to town. I just assumed they get all their food from the same warehouses and have teenagers basically paint-by-numbers.

Huh? What does any of that have to do with whether it's an RPG?

I think jwin1404 means that some people hold these notions of "PC gaming" that were true back in 1999 but aren't really true anymore (largely for the better). The most infamous one is that "it costs $2000-$3000 to have a gaming PC and I have to upgrade every six months". This is ABSOLUTELY false this day and age, but

I think a majority of gamers either have (and like) multiple systems or (more likely) they simply don't care. Most of the opinions you get are from people on the Internet who are so emotional about it they feel compelled to post on a messageboard about how wrong everyone else is and how right they are. This is not

"Exclusives" is only really relevent in the console sphere since it's a war between 360 and PS3, two similar platforms who are fighting over basically the same userbase and technology base. PCs by far have more "exclusives" because it's simply an entirely different platform altogether. Indie games, strategy games,

They're clearly joking about it, but it's still encouraging that mindset and reinforces the "great divide". And let's be honest, at some point it really is just trolling — it angers both console players who hate being thought of as peasants AND PC gamers who hate being labelled inappropriately and hate being lumped in

Now playing

It's also burning... uhh also with sound...

What people are getting wrong is that they're calling games with "RPG elements" as straight RPGs. That's why there seems to be so many damn RPGs everywhere. But that's just people being lazy with terms. Plenty of games have "RPG elements" but that does not make them RPGs.

I don't think calling Deus Ex an RPG is that far-fetched. Even if no one can agree on what an RPG is, one central element is "choice". An RPG allows you to make choices on how character(s) develop, whether it's within the context of statistics or within the context of the story. As mentioned in the article, when two

Didn't I just say this was categorized as "unnecessary rage"? OF COURSE it kills me!

I am a musician and a hobbyist songwriter/producer and I simply cannot agree that they are "music" games. For lack of a better word, perhaps you could call them "music" games.. maybe. But we actually DO have a better word — they are "rhythm" games. 'Cause that's all it is. (Granted, rhythm is certainly a part of

This is ultimately not that important, but I don't think I'll ever get over the fact that the single player and MMO games are listed in the same numerical series. This certainly qualifies as "unnecessary rage", but ARRRRRAUGGRGGH!