
Lack of competition from steel imported from other countries means that US steel producers can raise prices. But free markets, right?

People can clutch their pearls all they want. Here’s my biggest problem: This is a really really poorly written article about what barely qualifies as an embed and is an absolute farce in terms of what we’ve come to expect of this website and its writers even given the long, slow decline in quality since Gawker

The part where Raph still went out and did it.

I think this is the one that finally does it. I’m removing this garbage website from my favorites. You guys fucking suck now.

I bought one.

Funny story on the Big Heavy Door... I had to do this once.

“Crush a Hutt like it’s hurricane season” deserves a Pulitzer, Grammy, and Nobel Prize for Literature.

The Russian FSB managed to open them in order to replace the doped urine of their athletes during Sochi with clean urine. The vials returned seemingly untampered during the swap process. No one is sure how they did it.

Why would “fugue state” be the next reasonable answer when you lead in with “car broken into” and “followed home?” It certainly sounds like she was kidnapped.

I’m so curious... RESIST. RESIST.

And then they’ll come in 3rd place at Le Mans behind the Vaillante Rebellion and a Ford GT.

I like the way you think.

So I have a question. I grew up and continue to be in an environment that never really had a union presence. And I come at this question with genuine curiosity and no attempt to wrench out an answer of a certain type. Corporate shit like this is terrible and shouldn’t be allowed to happen. Anyway...

I got a recall notice for this same issue on my Fiesta ST like 6 months ago. Ford said they’d replace the latches. I need to be not lazy and get that done.

Diagonal. Pointing toward. The middle.

Grandpas in Cars Getting Cranky

You are alone. Because this isn’t Formula E.

HEY... We haven’t used Gary Glitter’s music since he was outed as a molester. It’s more just a chant now with no music.

Here we are two and a half years later, and I’ve not used this comment once. And revisiting this (based on a like I just received for it)... WOW is this offensive!

As an ISTJ, I have no idea what you’re talking about.