It’s a case of illusory superiority, or the above average effect. Most gun owners think that they are safe and responsible gun owners. However they can’t all be right because—
It’s a case of illusory superiority, or the above average effect. Most gun owners think that they are safe and responsible gun owners. However they can’t all be right because—
You realize that all having a gun in your home does is make it more likely that you or your family will be shot right? Nothing about having a weapon in the house makes a person safer. The opposite in the vast majority of cases. And it gives volatile people a quick non-personal means to fucking murder people in the…
Exciting, innit?
and she has repeatedly and consistently spoken out against settlements and introduced bills to halt their expansion beyond the ‘49 borders. no party in the knesset has completely clean hands, but she is looking forward, being productive, and pushing the american jewish (and, by extension, evangelical) lobby to take…
this woman is a fucking hero.
My best friend and college roommate for three years is a conservative, and was a member of the college Republicans. He was (and is) an exemplary conservative and one whom I wish the party was full of.
Unfortunately, part of the reason that the system is broken is that voters like you keep throwing away their chances to incrementally fix it. You are completely equivalent to the Tea Party, raging that the system doesn’t work precisely the way you want it to, refusing to take steps in the right direction because you…
“I’d never in a million years consider voting for Hillary. She is too hawkish, too conservative, too malleable.”
I’m fine with Bernie staying in the race to accumulate votes and show Democrats that there is broad, national support for a progressive agenda. I am not alright with him staying in the race in a desperate bid to win.
I was disturbed by two supposedly feminist friends’ reactions when I was in a middle of telling them about the first big argument I had with my boyfriend. We were both emotional and yelling and he started to cry as he expressed his frustration. My one friend seemed disgusted and said she “would have laughed right in…
Of course it was an argument of semantics.
According to Jia, that guy could not possibly be bullying Amy Schumer, because she has more money than he does.
Your screenname is apt, you don’t have any idea what you’re talking about. Having a safe, proper outlet for aggression has helped to reduce violent offenses immensely. Rape is down and has been for years, which many people attribute to the ridiculously easy access to porn. It turns out, if you make it easy for most…
So that means you’re going to be doing exactly what you call out in the article by covering more YouTube drama for page views? Love it.
If it doesn’t have a spaceship on the cover, I’m not interested.
This strikes me as putting the cart before the horse.
Why have I never before heard “got two birds stoned at once”???? I’m going to have to use that all the time now.
To pretend that slaves were never happy or never had a good day or never smiled is to deny them a basic part of their humanity. That some were friendly with or even loved their masters is undeniable.
You and the Hungarian woman of color seem to be the only sensible people in this entire pile of hateful comments. And I daresay the vast majority of the ones making those comments are the ignorant ones, oblivious to the fact that this woman was probably taking a risk to do this considering the harsh racial climate in…