
This worries me a bit. It seems like making every effort to make The Force Awakens a clone of A New Hope.

Welp, no launch for 24 hours. Damn you rain! Aiming for Friday at 5:33pm apparently.

Ridiculously cool but is it called an illustration if it’s a photoshopped 3D rendering?

Yeah there were recognizable names whose comments and reviews I could count on being informative and entertaining. I don’t see anything like that on Spotify, just my Facebook friends’ shitty taste in music.

It was a random Community reference. And yeah basically it means ahead of its time, or cooler, or whatever.

Well the Empire do get AT-STs in this level and the Rebels don’t get an equivalent, so that provides some counter.

So were the faculty supposed to cry and lose control of their bodies in response? It is entirely unclear what kind of response would have made the students happy in that situation, and I would rather the faculty take it seriously and think of ways to fix the problems rather than just have a big cry together.

I think you are confused. I’m comparing Rdio to Spotify, not Pandora to Spotify. Pandora is a different service based on radio style listening, Rdio is more like Spotify where you can listen to anything you want.

This really sucks since the Rdio product was significantly better than any of the competing services like Spotify, Google Music, or Apple Music.

You must be fun at parties.

Interesting, but what is your source for this?

It is not definite, it is just highly likely. It’s like saying why don’t we ever see buildings made out of liquid water? Just because most buildings are made of solids doesn’t mean it’s IMPOSSIBLE to make a building out of liquid!

Am I the only one who doesn’t agree with this definition of camel toe?

Yeah those people who invented the internet were such idiots.

I know your comment is sarcasm, but I would point out this isn’t new, his last girlfriend was black too.

I don’t get it. I just don’t fucking get it.

While I fully agree with everything being said in this video, something about it seriously turned me off.

Not literally speaking for them, referring to generally understood levels of education and cultural awareness in America. I am making an argument about the practicalities of avoiding offense or theft when shopping in the context of the average American, not myself.

You are not very good at reading my comments apparently. You are completely mangling my argument.

So sort of “sheol” like in Judaism? Definitely fair if looking at just the Old Testament, but overall there are quite a few fairly specific references to a place people go to suffer if looking at the whole thing.