Thanks a lot for posting this, Chris. I really enjoyed the whole talk.
Thanks a lot for posting this, Chris. I really enjoyed the whole talk.
I dunno, no offense, but many of us have jobs, houses, families, and $25 is such a miniscule drop in he bucket compared to the myriad of other expenses that it’s not huge deal.
Best name of DLC ever.
“Oh, you dated her? Well, I kissed her”, etc etc.
— Comma after the quotation - style choice or silly error? Asking in all seriousness - If I had my druthers, the way you wrote it is the better way, but curious if it was intentional.
Love me some Lasertime crew. Good link.
Fast forward to 1/16/17 and the Packers just beat the Cowbowys to go to the NFC Championship game. The Packers are not, in fact, bad.
Will you throw a flag for flagrant vaping? If not, I’m in.
Two reasons: Commercial breaks and sports talk media
Less book, more FFVI love. ;)
Great points, quality post.
XCom 2 for PC. Took me a few do-overs to get fully into it, but it now has its hooks in me deep. And yes, I save scum. don’t hate.
I force myself to read something without spaceships or magic maybe once a year. A what age am I allowed to stop doing that?
If you live in WI when a Packers game is on, here are the things you can do outside of the house without ever seeing another human being:
Dude was a damn hormonal kid with too much power. He can regret it, but I’m not sure you can shame him for it. Unique situation that 99.9% of plebs will never face.
I can’t wait to start playing this game on release. Getting beasted by players that have been able to practice playing the beta for the past 6 months sounds like so much fun.
Jeez, I hate insufferable twats as much as the next fellow, but JJ Watt should not be labeled that way just because he has drive and dedication. It sickens me that so many internet dickbags feel the need to rip on a dude just because he does to many things right. You’re jealously isn’t just showing, it’s flashing the…
That computer on a hard floor (cable mgmt pic) is a great way to reduce the life of one’s computer. So. Much. Dust.
That computer on a hard floor (cable mgmt pic) is a great way to reduce the life of one’s computer. So. Much. Dust.
CDPRed: Did we win GOTY?
I’m glad video games aren’t on this list. I was worried I was supposed to regret my entire life.