
With you, sir. I was driving a car - legally, on roads - in 1996, and I can attest that the site feels like I’ve aged out of their target demo sometimes. I deal with the new lingo by taking solace in the fact that they are forced to hear us olds keep talking about the games we grew up with.

This dude is literally a weapons-grade human.

35%+ of the public is voting for Don Trump, so we well past imagining.

There’s another reality where CDPR releases Cyberpunk 2077 at the exact same time they did, for the same price, but makes one minor change and calls it Early Access. They still sell millions, funding the next 2 years of dev, and have the flexibility to call it done when it’s actually done. And when it is done, they

Easy to prove Capcom's point.  I subscribe to WeMod, which might as well be called WeCheat, so if we do the math, WeMod = WeCheat, then divide both sides by We, then Mod = Cheat.

Microsoft Office for Mac exists.  That should be enough proof for anyone. 

Kinda off topic, but as you note, you need the save data on your PlayStation to receive the rewards. Now imagine that FF7 Remake was made in Unity and SE had to pay $$ for everyone that reinstalled Remake just to get their old cloud saves to redownload locally....

In the context of Gamepass, this bothers me far less than it would without it.  I wouldn't pay $70 for a game just to not play it for a week, but I'm cool waiting a week if it's part of my subscription.

If I knew how to do it, I’d copy your comment and do the strike through font on the “of Christmas” and then say “fixed it”

Well if I had the money, I’d much rather pay 1 million for an insane game collection representing a man’s life work rather than 2 million for a single pokemon card crossover with the most tired franchise in currently marketed fiction, which is only special because, ‘fun,’ they made one of them.

This right here describes the books that I remember reading.

How could you not mention this? He did great work here...

“...that current stock value comes out to about $0.00004325 (i.e. four thousandths of a penny) per pre-installed copy of the game. What a bargain!”

Im blind in one eye - stick met eye about 30 years ago as a kid - can you comment on how usable this is with only a single eye? I obviously can’t “see” the 3d aspects, but if it’s still playable, I’d consider it.

Swords, Boobs, and Henry.  And we’re all out of Henrys.

This guy fuc... um, knows what he’s talking about.

Small correction. Brandon Sanderson did all the world building and outlining of major plot points, but Dan Wells (a great writer in his own right and was recently announced as a new employee of Brandon’s to write Cosmere novels... They went to BYU together) is the one writing each “episode” of Moonbreaker. Brandon and

Steve from GN has pretty fantastic track record.  His word is pretty much truth until proven otherwise in my book.  This trust has been built over YEARS of doing things the right way.

This one hurts. I loved Fahey’s style, voice, critiques, and SNACKS! I’ll never see a crazy new Taco Bell item for the rest of my life without thinking of Fahey eating in his car.

I’m no online Grammer officer, but this is a formal apology, not a quickly fired-off message board post. How can one of the highest paid people in gaming not use decent grammer? Maybe I should take his lack of attention to detail as evidence he really doesn’t give a shit. I don’t personally give a shit about this