
Right, but none of what you just copy pasta’d applies here. Brady was holding the ball when the whistle blew, hence no loose ball. You made bold some text that was prefaced by “If the ball is a loose ball,” but that doesn’t apply here, because the ball was loose. You only needed to bold subsection (i). But I’m drunk.

George Carlin would like to have a word with you.

Shouldn’t you be playing Trails in the Sky SC?

Would cost you about $100 bucks to get an electrician out to run some Cat6 cable and install two ethernet jacks in your house - one by the router, one by your xbox. That’s what I did last year, and I love having a wired connection between my floors.

One would need to be in “possesion” of a baseball in order to carry it up and over a fence that is taller than most people, no?

Regarding the cover panel: When he shuts that car door, he’s going to have a soda-soaked french fry mess in his car.

Infractions committed in Miami should be exempt from the NFL’s punishment schedule. No one who doesn’t live there is capable of making good decisions in Miami.

I think I might be your husband. Honey, how did you find Kotaku?

+1 quality non-defensive retort

Was this near Wausau? If so, you may have met my mother-in-law.

I always decorate the basin lid of my toilet with three seashells. Some people get it, some people don't.

Thanks for posting those parts - I've been looking to build a htpc for a while now.

I'm a sucker for a platformer with a story. Dust: An Elysian Tale, also a Microsoft Studios thing (though diff dev I think?) was one of my favorite games of last gen, and this looks similar.

And you've just summed up the next 4 days of sports talk radio in a single sentence.

The art director of Puzzle Quest 2 also does tattoos!?

For those with NVIDIA GPUs, there's already a nice open source option for those without a SHIELD or SHIELD Tablet). It's called Limelight, and it's awesome.

Your grandma sounds like a wise women. Leaving aside the fact that her "you can't buy a property of a particular color if one of the set is already owned" rule takes virtually all negotiation out of the game, essentially turning it into a LIFE-style game (no choices, just dice rolls), the rule certainly prevents

Too soon

3) .... when UNowned properties....

A healthy contingent of people complain about how long a game of Monopoly takes to play. These people make up one or more of the following groups. Listed in the order of game sinfulness:

1) A group of people ignorant to what inflating the cash base of players does to the game's strategy and the time a game takes to