
Lots of people have the aptitude and knowledge to be at/graduate from Harvard. We even have living proof (our 43rd President) that one can graduate from Harvard (he holds an MBA from there, go figure) without having actually gotten an education. Unfortunately, Harvard has a very limited number of seats, not enough

As what, a consultant who helps people develop solid LinkedIn profiles?

Your internships and jobs you had during college (except perhaps the one where you worked as a barista or whatever) wouldn't have happened if you weren't in the university pursuing a degree. It is part of your education, not something you did in addition to it.

And there it is. In the 90s, they'd take anybody who could walk and chew gum at the same time, because they needed warm bodies. Kind of like the Army in 2003 when they'd take on just about any schmuck, no matter how chequered his past, including one Edward Snowden, which is how he managed to get his foot in the door

Please enlighten us. Where are these IT places where credentials don't matter? The U.S. Army is one that I can name, but perhaps you have a list?

I would say your best bet for getting in on some kind of middle-class career without going to college would be the U.S. Armed Forces. I don't know anyone else who will spend money to train you, walking in the door, to do anything in a down economy. In fact, this would also be a fairly sure-fire way to beat the high

Yes, you can get an education online. You can get an education at your local public library, if you want to go old school. That's not the problem. The problem is proving it. That's what you need the diploma for. Without it, you aren't likely to even get an opportunity to prove it because your resume will probably

Yup, Ziploc bags are your friends. Get the cheap ones, and divide those "family packs" of chicken and whatnot into however many portions you need.

If they only actually knew me, and played ads for me in which I actually might be interested, it would be different. Most of the time, what they know (or can be bothered to find out) is, I'm male, 50 years old, and, uh, that's about it. What do you think I'm getting in my feed? I will leave that to your lurid

Look for markdowns. Our grocery store marks down meat when it's "cook it or freeze it" time.

Like 86 the racing stripe and paint Bengals stripes on it?

I thought since the steel industry went tits up, all the grit in Pittsburgh settled out of the air and washed off the buildings and the streets into the Ohio River. For a gritty blue-collar town, it's awfully clean nowadays, or so I've heard.

Let's see, fuel-sipping European engine swapped out for larger, thirstier, slightly more powerful off-the-shelf American one, chic European styling uglified for the US market, standard cab version omitted, am I missing anything?

I have a rule for CCS in-game purchases. I have to know I'm going to win the level. Know, as in, "All I need is one move, and here it is." None of this "I feel soooooo close!" nonsense. I think I spent a total of around $15, $10 of which was probably wasted before I came up with the rule.

I mean, seriously. Cubs fans aren't this depressed about following a losing team, and they haven't won a WS since 1908.

38K miles? 138K is more like it. Well cared-for, sure, but also well-driven. The driver's seat leather will tell you the real story. Dude's on crack if he thinks he can get $5200 for a $500 car.

Who's being scornful? I'm just saying that there are cheaper ways to get that sheepskin than what many in my son's class of '07 did. I think he was one of a very few within his circle who were staying in town to go to school; the rest were all going to these big name private schools that cost 50 large a year. Maybe

OK, I'll buy that. It all depends on where you are. I was thinking about the ones that fill boxes for Amazon.

Unless "back in the days" was the 1981-2 Reagan recession, which is why the percentage of Army recruits without a HS diploma went from 50% to practically zero in just a few years. I knew quite a few enlisted people with college degrees in my time.

So go to the state school within commuting distance of your parents' house. Most people have those available. If not, feel free to ignore this advice. Go out and buy yourself an older Corolla/Civic in decent shape. It'll pay for itself in a single semester. No meal plan, no dorm fees, just a $50 sticker that lets