
Where are those warehouses where you can get hired at $18/hour? What's in 'em, weapons-grade cocaine?

I'm seeing six electrons circling a nucleus.

I always thought it was Hitler Youth who needed something to do, so they were put to work planting trees.

I take it pointing to Heaven is still allowed. Just once, I'd like to see a player point to the hot place where the gentleman in the red suit with the horns and Count Olaf goatee conducts his business.

That's much better. All these cars back then with the driver-side airbags looked horrible because of them. Big ugly thing in the middle of the wheel - yuck. Nowadays, even Toyota had figured out how to make them compact enough not to ugly up your car.

Don't forget about cars. Unless you just have to have a 2014 model, you should be able to find a deal on whatever car you want. They knocked two grand off my Civic a few years ago because it was August and they had all these cars that had to go. IIRC, everybody was running big sales around the latter half of the

It's barely new Camry money, but whatevs. $21K is probably just about what it's worth, which is why the voting is running about 50/50.

He had talent, all right. His talent was sucking massive amounts of cash from baseball teams. The Yankees could get themselves a whole new infield for what they were paying this guy.

It is an cultural delicacy on Remulac. It makes Beldar's cone engorge itself more readily.

OK, so I listen to my wife too much. She's the one staying up late reading medical blogs. I tell her it's a bad idea to grant them too much credibility, she comes back with the "doctors on the take" bit where Big Pharma's flavor of the month couldn't possibly be better for you than the homeopathic remedy she just

And you don't even have to go there - nearly all M.D.'s are on the take in the manner, or so I've heard. On the other side are various cranks on the Internet who may or may not have M.D.'s. How many are not in either set? Who knows? It's difficult to tell, and nearly impossible to find one who is actually

My problem is not only filtering information from people, such as drug companies, who have vested interests, but from people with M.D.'s on the wall (or not) and axes to grind. Between the two, it is very difficult to determine whether I should take any information at face value.

We saw the Grand Canyon in March. Check it out - Phoenix in March is mid-80s, sunny, and pleasant every day. Flagstaff and points north (like the Canyon) have snow on the ground, but not so much as to make those areas inaccessible. Besides, the snow is pretty and there are very few tourists up there that time of

Uh, hate to pick a nit, but the rebels did not build the Death Star, the Empire did.

It helps when you don't have your iPod on you. How long will it be before the RIAA starts tapping into people's brains looking for pirated songs? "Stop that earworm at once! You haven't paid royalties for it!"

At 9-10 sec., a mid-level Honda Civic with the 5-speed automatic could at least give them a good race.

Of course 85 HP was a lot. The car didn't weigh anything. My 11th grade English teacher had one, and four members of the football team once picked it up by the front and rear bumpers and carried it into the school cafeteria. True story.

Along with school paste and crayons, right?

She's got a point. And it's not only breakfast. The best time to make whoopee is Sunday morning.