
So what kind of stuff is there to do in Covington? Any good IT stuff?

Taxes are low, but wait until you have kids to send to school. Kentucky isn't exactly a top-ten state in that regard. That state is the poster child for "you get what you pay for."

And then I get to add a little sticker underneath that says, "is a thief."

I once thought of doing that to my wife's car for April Fool's Day. A stick figure woman with wild hair, and about fifty of the cat figures.

What you said. I lived in Columbia, SC, once upon a time, and I wouldn't admit to having bought anything from Jim Hudson (see upthread). At least license plate brackets can be removed/hacked/etc. Dealer badges are a different story, especially when installation involved drilling holes in the metal.

Or find a car with out of state or Canadian plates and install it there.

And what if you find the GPS, remove it, put it on another car with Canadian plates, and when you come in for your safety check, grin and tell 'em, "gee, I have no idea what doohickey you're talking about."

It's what many professional athletes and lottery winners have in common, unfortunately. Nobody ever taught either how to manage money.

I guess this guy knows about how long he can continue collecting those $700,000/year paychecks. Average four years, and then what? Selling reverse mortgages or really bad insurance?

What I see is sharply increased interest in baseball toward the end of the regular season, which falls precipitously once it is known which teams made the playoffs. This is likely because the only people who care about the *LDS, *LCS, and World Series are those whose favorite teams are in it. I wonder what would

Or so the owner of that particular wagon thinks.

There is a big difference between taking steroids to recover from an injury and taking them so you can break Mark Maguire's home run record. MLB should learn to recognize the difference.

Bite me. The inspiration came to me a day late. Note that I've already gotten two blue stars.

"With its rarity, diesel mill, stickity shift and amazing Frenchness, I figured it would have been deemed well worth that much."

I read it at or something. Anyway, Wikipedia has a list of European nations who have some sort of baseball league:

Probably, to some extent. I can't say at what level, but if they play baseball in France (a struggling semi-pro league), or Germany (they actually have a bundesliga for the sport), they probably play it in Russia.

Who's to blame for the orange and blue NY plates? Eliot Spitzer. If only he could keep his dick in his pants, we wouldn't have had Governor Paterson, the blind governor, who signed off on this travesty, presumably to help balance the state budget by making everybody get new plates at $25/set. This was later changed

You forgot to mention, although you alluded to it, that this particular wagon isn't old enough to get past the DOT/EPA in the U.S. So unless you're Canadian, lots of luck getting it registered south of 48'30".

Wow, the Harlem Globetrotters can execute a double play.

Star Trek assumes a lot of things, kind of like Karl Marx did back in his day. Things like all Federation citizens will want to be useful in some way and fill available niches, or that the Federation can survive with everybody pursuing their own version of "self-improvement." Or that the attainment of rank alone