
You'd set off metal detectors. How is this a smart way to move something of high value? You do it like in the movies - make something innocuous out of the gold that nobody will think to check out, like the hinges on your briefcase and luggage.

Or he finds a reason to think you might (0.00001% chance) have asthma, or cancer, or some other godawful thing that MUST BE CHECKED OUT IMMEDIATELY by four or five different labs in different parts of town over the course of a month or so. I guarantee I wouldn't be going through any of this shit if I was on Medicaid.

But the cost of production usually goes down with increased automation, so it should balance out - in the Star Trek universe, maybe.

And then nobody will be able to get a Friday appointment.

Oh yeah! Minivans! That'd be fun to watch.

Weight classes would suffice. I guess if you want to race your '99 Accord (the dictionary definition of beige), you should be able to. You could restrict this class to four-banger automatics only.

Dogbert runs the Cloud - no thanks. What if some modern-day Guy Fawkes takes down the Cloud? Or hacks into it. Or infests it with viruses? Or some natural disaster happens? I want my stuff where I can put my hands on it.

I think either consumers or the government will make some kind of real spare tire mandatory. Once enough people get stranded out in the middle of nowhere with a can of Fix-A-Flat, I would hope there would be a backlash.

I would say the Bluetooth streaming unit will have a fairly short lifespan. People are going to start asking the question, "why do I need my smrtphone to hear music in my car?" Somebody (Apple, plz) is going to make a car stereo with a big enough (upgradable) SSD to hold all your music, and internal (upgradable) 4G.

Seriously. You're not going to beat the 7-Series, etc., by being Lincoln.

Thanks a lot. Now I've got a splitting headache, and I was feeling a bit woozy for a minute too. I almost threw up watching that zoom in/out thing.

As long as said volunteers are willing to sit through a day of traffic court if the ticketee decides to contest it.

Your payment records are also part of your credit history. I would think that if you pay your CC in full every month without fail, you're doing yourself a big favor.

So paying the balance in full every month is bad for your credit score? That makes absolutely no sense.

Number one rule: DON'T CARRY A BALANCE! If you get started in the revolving aspect of credit cards, you'll have a hell of a time getting back out. The interest will kick your ass.

I tell you all what. Up here in Central New York, it gets cold in the winter, colder than you pansies in the Sun Belt can handle. And it snows, 100+ inches a year. And winter runs from November through April. I don't even wear a jacket unless it's close to freezing because I'm sweating like crazy in it otherwise.

Toyotas are pretty much bulletproof. We have a neighbor who swears by them.

We ran our last two cars about ten years each. Those were the days of Mom's Taxi and Dad's Limo, which have since gone out of business. We're putting about 2/3 the miles on our cars that we used to, so I'm hoping for 15 years, or until sodium chloride turns them ratty. Who knows? Maybe ten years is the best you