
It's tres sexy. I take back the snide comments I made about its caboose in the last article.

I'll bet the U.S. Secretary of State and the President have passports, even if someone else is probably in charge of keeping track of their wherebouts, so this is kind of an invalid reason not to have one. I would simply say she doesn't require one because she is the Queen. Besides being one of the most readily

If I said I hated spinach, would you say I meant that spinach was bad for you? How would that make sense? I only meant that if I didn't have something else to occupy my considerable mental bandwidth, I'd have a far harder time getting on the 'mill and staying on it long enough to do me any good.

That's probably from all the LSD they put in the water to enhance the Disney World experience.

The stuff that comes out of the tap has been tested and proven to be safe. The stuff that comes out of your well was probably last tested when it was dug, or when you bought the house.

For the same reason BudMilCoors tastes better ice cold - because whatever is in it that makes it tastes crummy, you taste it less when it's cold.

Admiralty brass, polished to a mirror finish, blinding all the other drivers on the road with its brilliance.

Is that copper? FWIW, copper body panels would be expensive as hell, but as verdigris took over, it would look really, really cool.

Mostly about you. They call it a "bitch seat" for a reason.

Yeah, but unlike the H3, the vehicles you list are all good for something. I see people using these as actual trucks every day. An H3 is, on the other hand, useless for anything other than impressing the Joneses.

Holy crap! Is that my beige Veyron that I posted a couple years back? Did someone actually have one painted that color?

I'm going with the mid-00's Dodge minivan. Around here, lots of them are beat to hell, the liftgates covered with (rust and) political/religious stickers that are guaranteed to piss off 70% or so of Americans, have bald tires, are filled to the brim with crap (and snotty-nosed homeschooled kids), and are going 10 mph

We had an '02 Forrester, and drove it to the Cape one summer, just outside (or just inside) of Provincetown, MA. I'm sure after thinking about it, it looked a bit odd to see a straight family riding in it - with the man driving.

That's only because there are no other SUVs in the H3's class. Nowhere will you find another one that is so oversized on the outside, yet smaller than a Toyota Yaris on the inside. And 18 MPG highway means it gets closer to 10 in town. Driving a beast like this and complaining that gas is too expensive makes you an

I wonder if you can laser-cut your own stencils and sell them on eBay. Surely this would fall under the heading of "aftermarket generic parts" and wouldn't get one sued.

If they're replacing a DW, the holes have already been drilled, but I see your point. And I've also found Consumer Reports to be somewhat less than helpful in finding one that won't break down just out of warranty. We've had a CR Best Buy rated LG washing machine konk out on us TWO WEEKS after the warranty expired.

Neither does mine. It has black paint, a good amount of which has worn off, with the lettering painted on top of that. It looks like a camp stove at this point, but it still works.

Alternately, we could just buy the cheapest useable model of everything. Refuse to pay extra for stainless-steel dishwasher tubs, or extra functionality, or fancy displays, or anything. That's what I'm doing when my current dishwasher breaks (like the three before it in as many years). Cheap $300 Westinghouse POS