
I suffered through a season of "Minor A" ball with my son back in the day. The rules are kind of ridiculous, to say the least. What's wrong with taking the one kid you've got who can actually keep the ball from hitting the backstop no matter how wildly it's thrown and making him a decent catcher, instead of giving

That's using the old Force, Luke!

And Shoney's of Florida, you do know that there are a great number of Floridians who hail from the colder parts of the country. You are aware of the existence of Chicago and Boston, right? Know your customers, and they will reward you.

The trick is getting your boss to rethink the 8 hour workday. You usually have no say in the matter.

Yes, but the important thing is how fast it will go around the Top Gear track, and for that you need their tame racing driver. They say...

It's illegal to sell homebrew everywhere without a license, and you're not going to do that just so you can sell what you make five gallons at a time. The money gets made not spending $20 for a 12-pack of beer that's not quite as good as that which you made yourself. Plus, bringing some with you makes you popular at

I heard the Phoenix Coyotes share an arena with the Suns. There was even a time-lapse video of a crew switching the place over from basketball to hockey in just under an hour. I hate warm-weather hockey teams with the passion of a thousand supernovae, but this actually makes sense.

Well, I have a hard time believing Hyundai is iconic of anything. Up until recently, there has always been something just a little bit strange and not quite right about their styling, and this Mazda kinda reminds me of that. This is the Elantra hatch I was talking about:

You can do sleek and "euro" without making the car look like an egg. I've actually been to Europe; Europeans would look at this thing and say, "was ist das?" This just screams "General Motors captive import," like the crappy Pontiac version of whatever Toyota is building. They might as well had just slapped a

You mean brainwash yourself into believing that the exercise is not only good for you, but that you actually enjoy it. Sorry, no sale. I can't see how I could possibly release my inner gerbil and actually get into running on the little wheel in my cage. If having an iPod playing in my ear is enough to make the time

Seriously. I never get charged sales tax on things like malt extract or brewer's yeast. In New York, that's a pretty big deal.

It sort of resembles an early 00's Hyundai Elantra hatchback. Yawn.

Typical length of a classic rock MP3: about 4 minutes. 8 of these equal one workout.

Weight lifting is an entirely different sort of exercise from that which the original article is describing, but I agree with you nonetheless. I don't work out on weight machines with my headphones in either.

Music also distracts us from ennui. Let's face it, without an iPod, we're just not even entertaining the thought of going to the gym. Not gonna happen. Nothing as tedious as running on a treadmill or an elliptical trainer is going to be sustained for very long without something to distract one from realizing just

The math: A 5 gallon kit runs around $35-$40 for most styles, and makes about 4 12-packs (plus a couple bottles extra). That means one 12-pack is around $9 on average. Given that Saranac or Sam Adams is about $16.95/12 plus tax (homebrew ingredients are considered groceries in NY until you throw yeast in it) and

So if there was any perceptible dent in Biebs' car,...

Reminds me of the PT Cruiser, sort of. I can't quite put my finger on it.

Just a reminder, folks. An all new Ow My Balls will be shown, in its entirety, following the game.

Will they be serving Brawndo?