
I like mine a little past medium. So what I do is keep track of which steak went on the grill last. That one's mine.

You need the little skinny ones. I bought mine at Target.

My old lady likes to cut open the steak and visually observe that there is no trace of pink inside (why does she torture me so?). Forget that. If the meat thermometer reads in the 155-165 range, your steak is done. No need to do anything else to it.

That's the other Ella, your stepsister.

Interesting. I wonder if anyone in Upstate NY has ever heard of such a thing. I haven't, and I've lived here for 20+ years.

Why not just decant the leftover wine to a smaller container? It sounds naive, but it seems to me that a lot of the problem is headspace, and putting the wine in a smaller bottle would solve that, I would think.

My Corolla might be a boring Beigemobile, but it lets me keep enough money in my pocket for other stuff that isn't boring.

I hate talk like that, but if you're renting tires and rims, you're probably driving something more than you can afford already, and that's probably not the whole picture, either. The reason I'm middle class is because I never had any of that crap I didn't need in my house back when I didn't have any money. People

I just came up with a hell of an idea. I live in Upstate New York, where it can snow up to a dozen feet a year. Lots of us roll snow tires in the winter, which means we have several sets of tires taking up space in the garage/basement/back yard/wherever. Getting the tires changed twice a year is a major PITA, and

Dude tried to slim jim the lock. It didn't work. You'll find a lot of newish cars are designed not to be unlocked that way.

You do realize that a BSCS is like a union card when it comes to getting any sort of IT job. While I'm sure there are some people in IT who don't have one (a certain Mr. Zuckerberg comes to mind), you'll have a hell of a time getting hired without it. Lots of luck to you.

How many new kitchen appliances have you had to replace just in the past year? Cutting corners wherever they can get away with it is practically a religion over there. You'll be lucky to be able to drive a Chinese car until you're finished paying for it.

FTFA: "The current Toyota Yaris, made in China by the FAW-Toyota joint venture that will also make the new Yaris."

Well, it's nice to know I'm not the only one who figures that taxes should be the least concern to anyone on the cusp of the 28% bracket, which is a fair piece of change more than I make. If there ever was a first world problem that's it.

Maybe now the lads at Top Gear won't be so keen to dismiss it as 'rubbish.'

As they say, it's your money. You should care enough to know these things. It's rather basic, really. If you cannot understand what "28% of income from x to y" means, well, chances are good that you'll never get there to begin with. So anybody claiming to be tailoring their salary to some figure under x for tax

Stupid because they don't understand, and cannot be made to understand no matter how you dumb it down, what progressive taxation is.

Of course, to some people, you might as well be explaining it to your cat.

People who think tax brackets operate from dollar zero on up are generally too stupid to possess the skills necessary to make that kind of money.

And if he were 111 years old, and living in New York City while Babe Ruth was still pitching for the Red Sox, he very likely would also have been involved in the First World War, and there are any of a number of organizations who keep track of those sorts of things, including the reasons (as applicable) why he didn't