
Where is everybody? Are all the cat lovers staying away for fear of getting the beatdown with the banhammer? Well, I am not afraid, and I will say that the difference between (most) cats and (nearly all) dogs is that cats spend considerable effort toward the goal of reducing their scent profile to nearly zero, all

That said, our basement is the perfect place to do beer. Ales during the summer, lagers during the winter.

Sam Jackson can kick Chuck Norris' ass.

If you want to make beer, the starter kit usually runs about $100. In addition to that, you'll need a large pot (I bought mine at Wal-Mart), and enough bottles to put the stuff in (about four dozen, no twist-offs). My homebrew is to die for.

The really bad part is that you can't buy more quality for more money (unless you're talking restaurant-grade Italian machine or something). You just get the same crappy Chinese-made coffeemaker with more buttons on it. This is why people buy cheap - because it just doesn't matter.

And many Republicans in DC read this rag exclusively. Kind of like sniffing your own armpits.

I guess we can both agree that the USA PATRIOT Act needs to go.

I think they'd have been up Aunt Bessy's skirt long before her demise. Cool your paranoia.

I don't really share your paranoia when it comes to government, but they do know quite a bit about you, which makes me wonder why we are still compelled to even submit tax returns at all. It seems to me that the IRS - probably the big daddy of them all when it comes to people's personal information - already has all

I concede that the stuff China makes for Apple is of decent quality - better than most PC-based products - but a great deal of what they produce is flimsy and prone to failure, that is, disposable. I wouldn't dare buy a large appliance that said "Made in China" on the label if any alternatives at all were available.

They can't even make a coffeemaker that lasts longer than a year, and we're supposed to believe they have this under control?

Yeah, but it wasn't spraying hot brass in your face. The M16 does that, unless you have the plastic doohickey you're probably not going to have on hand in a real-world situation. With the new Russkie weapon, you get to choose which direction the brass goes, preferably away from you.

Mr. Crusher was a child prodigy of considerable ability.

J.J. Abrams did, in fact, ruin Star Trek. I'm fairly sure, Gene Roddenberry, a military veteran and former LAPD officer himself, would not have promoted Kirk from cadet straight to captain. No military worth spending time in one of its mess halls does this, and I'm pretty sure Starfleet would be a more serious

You get to choose which side the spent rounds come out? I'd have loved to have had that feature on my M16 when I was in the Army.

The fact that OS X was built on BSD was a big selling point for me, as was the fact that the only people who sell Macs are the people at Apple, which means no "bloatware" (I'm looking at you, HP). I'm a software engineer, and a graduate computer science student, so I love the fact that I can get a terminal window and

U.S. News And Hot Naked Chicks Report will be coming soon at this rate.

Ah, the Discovery Channel. The reason so many people are cutting the cord and relying on Netflix for their infotainment services. Why does every channel on cable have to be dumbed down not just to the lowest common denominator, but the lowest common denominator of your average Kentucky trailer park? I'm old enough

The streaming library might be lacking in some respects, but it's still the best one out there.

Up here in the Northeast, cars tend to disintegrate in ways that make them beyond repair. Usually this occurs long before the engine goes. For me, that's around year 10 from showroom to junkyard. Probably longer than that now that Dad's Limo Service has been shut down permanently.