
You're right, of course, but the other question is how many times it'll end up in the shop on the way to 200,000 miles. Any car will last that long given enough money and shop time. How long until you see the first rust bubble? I live in the Northeast, so this is very important. Hondas (and Toyotas), in my

I'm sorry, but I just couldn't bring myself to buy another "Fix Or Repair Daily," especially an all-new model. Honda's got 40 years' worth of reputation as a maker of reliable, well-put-together cars that don't lose half their value the day you drive one home. Ford, not so much. Let somebody else test-drive the

Dad had a '78 Impala. Same car, pretty much. And yes, you could not only get a whole 4x8 sheet of plywood on there, flat, you could close the tailgate as well.

The city of Miami should blackmail them back. Say they'll tear up the lease and demolish the stadium unless they win at least 80 games this season. Let them play at Florida State if they can only draw 12,000 fans a game.

My wife wants to change to days - 7 to 3. Apart from having to get up earlier, that would simplify quite a lot. The roads are pretty much deserted before 7 AM, and I ought to make it to work on cruise control.

That's good if you actually enjoy living in the part of town where your job is. Also, if you're a homeowner, moving is a lot more complicated than if you're just renting an apartment. Still, if you can manage it, go for it. We've been trying this out for awhile now, and every time we call it a day, we get this

There came a day when I realized that accumulating DVDs was pointless. I would watch the DVD one or two times, then put it on the shelf. Same for the DVDs I would burn of TV shows and movies from cable/satellite. I had a large binder of those that I would rarely break out; I left it at Luke AFB when we were there

I do that, and then my better half starts whining about my not being interested in her shows.

I used to deal with this by:

Pyrex makes several sizes of glass storage containers with lids. Good alternative to plastic, and you don't have to worry about whether they're dishwasher safe.

It's called competition. It would be a lot different if there were just one company making these bulbs, but that's not the case.

You'll thank the DOE a decade from now when your LED bulbs are still working. $13 up front ends up being pretty cheap, and we haven't even gotten to the part where you save big money on your electric bill. You do like saving money, right? I guess you do have the right to write whatever size check you want to your

Britain has been invaded by Romans, Danes, Vikings, Normans, etc., for thousands of years. They've probably got the most diverse gene pool in all of Europe.

I would say Apple is pretty cool about this stuff. They'll even fix your computer that's slightly out of warranty by a couple of weeks. They'd rather have you happy than have you go back to a Windows PC (for less money) next time.

Bottom right? You're right. He's the only one who appears to be in a big fat hurry.

I'm thinking if you gave yourself one minute, you could get a safe distance away. Time it on your iPhone or something.

I'm thinking 2:49, bottom center, blue and white hat, purple shirt, bag over shoulder that looks just big enough to hold a small pressure cooker. It looks like it's heavy.

"Most smart thermostats show you how long it takes to make the change you've requested, so you can see how effective your climate control system really is, and it discourages people from turning a thermostat all the way down to try "cooling off the house faster" (which never works)."

I don't know. I find vacation planning to be quite stressful (unnecessarily so, but that's another story), and the last thing I need when I'm on vacation is stress.

I would like to see a "report this" button for the spam one sees here from time to time. "I just got a check (or cheque) for $[some_random_amount] for sitting in Mom's basement posting spam at Lifehacker and eating Cheetos." That stuff. Or was that pre-Kinja? I really wasn't paying that close