
I'm thinking if you gave yourself one minute, you could get a safe distance away. Time it on your iPhone or something.

I'm thinking 2:49, bottom center, blue and white hat, purple shirt, bag over shoulder that looks just big enough to hold a small pressure cooker. It looks like it's heavy.

"Most smart thermostats show you how long it takes to make the change you've requested, so you can see how effective your climate control system really is, and it discourages people from turning a thermostat all the way down to try "cooling off the house faster" (which never works)."

I don't know. I find vacation planning to be quite stressful (unnecessarily so, but that's another story), and the last thing I need when I'm on vacation is stress.

I would like to see a "report this" button for the spam one sees here from time to time. "I just got a check (or cheque) for $[some_random_amount] for sitting in Mom's basement posting spam at Lifehacker and eating Cheetos." That stuff. Or was that pre-Kinja? I really wasn't paying that close

So in other words, it's a Ponzi scheme.

I propose Deadspin posters agree upon a new name for the Washington NFL team independently, and not only use it exclusively, but convince the moderators to filter for "Redskins" and replace it with the new name throughout the site.


How bad do you have to suck for no one to want the naming rights for your stadium?

Damn shame. It's a pretty ballpark. At least they don't have whole sections of obstructed views like New Yankee Stadium. The Batter's Eye Cafe blocks half the outfield in the adjoining sections of bleachers, and for that you still pay through the nose for a ticket.

I'd speculate on how long it will take the Florida DMV to withdraw this plate, but they probably have to get someone to complain first.

I was making a feeble attempt at a joke. If you were offended by it (or even if you were not), I humbly apologize.

No, it just means your alma mater is too insignificant to rate a mention. I was kind of surprised to see mine (SUNYIT Wildcats) myself.

I read at Bleed Cubbie Blue awhile back that attendance at the game where Ernie Banks hit his 500th home run was around 3200. Of course, that was a weekday game in the era where they only played day baseball at Wrigley Field.

Imagine how you must feel if you aren't good enough to be traded.

Grandpa had a '71. That sucker was a huge pile of win smothered in awesome sauce. I got to drive it twice - once in about 1980, when the thing about got away from me the first time I hit the gas and unleashed all those gobs and gobs of pure Detroit horsepower. The second time was about ten years later when Grandma

When I was ten, home computers barely existed. There was the TRS-80, a few Heath kits, and that was about it. I had one neighbor who had a Trash-80 when I was about 14 and I would play blackjack on it while babysitting their kid and generally being a bad influence on same.

Well, they did have that baseball team nobody liked, so there's that.

Yeah, only the UN gets to define what a "second-tier nation" is.

Also easy to deal with. Check to see whether the wrong codes are the same (some old geezer mistaking his car for yours) or different (some thief brute-forcing your car's password). You gotta think like a computer guy. Keep 'em coming; we'll have this new system design down, and then we can all get rich selling it