Coffee grounds are particularly good for acid-loving plants, like azaleas or blueberries!
Coffee grounds are particularly good for acid-loving plants, like azaleas or blueberries!
You would think key transponders would have a "three-strikes-and-you're out" algorithm (usually implemented in about five lines of code in your choice of language) to very easily thwart these devices. Inserting the actual key (or waiting ten minutes) would reset the invalid logon count to zero. So easy, yet beyond…
I think it would take some serious loan-shark interest rates on some other loan to get me to forego the company match on my 401K. That's free money you shouldn't leave on the table.
How does this affect one's ability to collect unemployment? I would assume you would have to go through some kind of motions to ensure you don't get the run-around from those people because you quit rather than get laid off. Educate yourself before doing something rash.
"People expect to actually relax and sleep on the plane on a red-eye flight."
Wow, that Fiero looks like something Clark Griswold would buy.
They require lubrication, powered or not. Can it be done without taking the door apart? That's a different question altogether.
Holy crap, dude! That's a Corolla? Corollas are supposed to look kind of like Camrys, only smaller and cheaper looking. How are they going to crap this one up so as not to scare off the middle-aged women who usually buy them?
Gee, and I've been storing them upside down so they won't roll away.
Can you use a power supply from an old PC? I think those are 12 volts DC output, right?
Only if you want to be arrested, smartass.
I sometimes wondered why I would hear some Jesus Radio station over my PC speakers awhile back. Since these were not wireless, I kind of wondered how this happened.
"I have about as many children as Barack Obama has guns."
Without looking at the video, I would suggest putting a second bucket or something in there (a plastic fake terra cotta pot that's not being used?) to hold the legs in place.
I saw the replay already. That was more than enough already. I agree that it's really, really gross.
I think alcoholism would skyrocket. Going from a big fish in a small pond to a tiny fish in a pond the size of Jupiter where your next promotion is decades off would be kind of underwhelming to me.
I eat junk when I'm bored at work. That's not good at all. I'd much rather be super busy doing some kind of real work.
We have a pellet stove that goes through about three tons of wood pellets a season, so by spring we usually have three or four pallets in the garage that need to be disposed of somehow. My usual method is burning them in the back yard (unincorporated rural neighborhoods FTW), but after hearing about how they're chock…