
I rented it once from Netflix. I just had to see what a really, really, truly awful movie was like, and this one lived up to its billing - big time. Plot holes big enough to drive the Starship Enterprise through, absolutely dreadful acting, an even worse story, but really bitchin' music videos. That's the way to

Even better. They should never have gotten rid of these. At least as cool as the California "sunset" plate from upthread.

OK, I'll qualify that, because European women apparently can too drive sticks. American women, on the other hand, uh, generally do not.

It's not sexist. It's like saying women have boobs. Merely stating the obvious. They have boobs, and most of them can't drive manuals.

Drive an old pickup truck, like Sam Walton did.

A new Civic costs twenty grand and up, that is, unless you can find a DX, and you probably won't want it if you did find one. The last Civic was quite comfortable, like a somewhat smaller Accord. You people here at Jalopnik were complaining about how much the ride and handling resembled that of Grandpa's old Buick.

I care that it looks cheaper than the Civic I just bought last year. Of course, that's because I have a last-gen Civic to compare it to. I took a peek at one while mine was in the shop getting a TPM replaced and I thought to myself, "damn. This is the LX? It looks like the DX-VP I test drove that made me ask how

The Amazon warehouse in Texas where this stuff is packed is quite literally a sweatshop where workers are subject to relentless productivity metrics and have been known to keel over in the stifling heat. Don't shop there.

A couple kilos of smack and $500,000 of Mob money?

Well, if the VIN begins with a 3, you've just ID'd the vehicle as having been built in Mexico. That's a deal-breaker right there, and you didn't even have to go to Carfax.

And who signed off on that 23426236-point inspection you say every car on this lot goes through, including the '05 Focus wagon over there with the busted A/C, leaky power steering pump, and blown head gasket?

Basically, if you're going to get sloshed, do it at home, not in public.

In the northeast, I have learned the first and most important rule of winter driving, which is to avoid it whenever possible. There are some road conditions where it's just stupid to be on the road in the first place if you see it coming. Of course, knowing how to drive in the snow and ice is worth knowing.

I learned more my first few months on the job than I learned in school. Still, you need what you learned in school to get to that point in the first place. Anyway, it takes years to learn the whole software development process at your company, so don't worry - just learn it. You didn't waste money on your education

Gee, I wonder how much it would cost to purchase the "Tucker" brand name. I would just love to see the 21st Century version of the three-headlighted car from 1948.

Our '09 Corolla (yeah, I know, Beigemobile) is the base model with manual door locks. I locked the keys inside like a dumbass (actually, we did it, because my wife refused to even carry her keys when I'm driving, but whatever), in Southie - south Boston, Mass. A couple of Southie experts tried to slim-Jim the lock,

I thought myth #5 was started by the beverage industry to get people to buy more bottled water.

Or, it was one of those awful Detroit machines made in the early to mid eighties. They all did that, and there was f*** all you could do about it, other than feed it high-octane gas.

If you have one of those cars that knock and ping on regular, yes you will get better mileage on premium. That knocking and pinging is energy that isn't going toward moving the pistons up and down, just making a bunch of noise and causing the whole machine to vibrate, making it less efficient. Same goes for those

So did they save a bunch of that weight by replacing the spare tire with a repair kit?