
And I'm sure the reason you don't use it in the car is because most car stereos with iPod-ready interfaces suck donkey balls in some critical way.

The term "liberal" implies a certain open-mindedness that many members of PETA lack.

Last I checked, they thought the mere idea that we would take animals into our homes as PETS was abhorrent (we think of our cats more as roommates, but whatever). Oh, and keeping a CARNIVORE such as a cat or a dog in your house and feeding it meat because, uh, they're CARNIVORES and they need meat to live? OMFG!

Not just methanol, but butanol, propanol, and a few others. It's what you get for drinking cheap booze.

Used topically, that might be true. It's great for cleaning all kinds of stuff. Taken internally, on the other hand, it's quite a different story. I have felt as if I had a nasty cold on many occasions the morning after having too much to drink, so I know what OP is talking about. So yeah, booze lowers your

In NY, it meant that our (former) governor was blind. Yes, orange and blue are our state colors, and those particular shades were supposed to be reminiscent of New York's past (one in which people like Karl Malden made gritty cop movies with New York City as a backdrop while driving shitty Malaise-era cars), but

And no longer roadworthy, which was my point.

Or just down south until the snow melts.

But only during the winter. From May to November, they're holding up traffic Upstate.

They're probably insisting that you get those ugly-ass orange plates this time.

And is probably going 35 in a 55 with the left blinker on.

Anyone over 60 should have to prove he or she is still competent to drive. And that includes the pitiful excuse of a road test we have here. Every three years. Start it below Social Security eligibility, and the olds will have less reason to bitch. Their rattletrap rustbuckets should also be inspected.

What if you know how to drive stick (very well, in my case), but prefer a nice, comfortable sedan with automatic transmission.

And a grille that looks like Hercule Poirot's mustache.

Again, aluminum is under a buck a pound, production methods of which notwithstanding. And last I checked, they also recycle a great amount of steel for the same reasons you're talking about.

OK, carbon fiber is wicked expensive. So what's the excuse with aluminum? It doesn't rust, it's light as hell, and it's pretty strong. They've been making airplanes with it for decades. And it's trading right now for ninety eight cents a pound.

And the price has to come down at least ten grand. I think the biggest problem is people wrapping their minds around the idea of paying over FORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS for a Chevrolet. Unless it says "CORVETTE" on the deck lid, it's nearly impossible to justify.

And I bet most of those Volts are being driven around by the sales staff at your local Chevy dealer.

Can they catch up? Not after Consumer Reports got through testing it. Yeah, if you only drive 35 miles a day, you'll never buy another drop of gas. After that, it's just as inefficient as any other sedan in its class. Going further than, oh, 80 miles round-trip? My non-hybrid Civic ('10 sedan, auto trans) beats

I had the hatchback. Yes, it was a hell of a car at the time. Took a beating and asked for more right up to 170,000 miles, which is a lot in the Northeast. Bum fuel pump that would have required removing the rusted-on fuel tank to replace sent it to Honda Heaven. Its engine is probably still running in somebody