The more I hear about Hugh Jackman, the more I think that he is actually an overly enthusiastic corgi puppy disguised as a human.

Spoiler Alert: I don't think this guy is going to live through the movie.

I hereby invalidate the experiment by deciding that all differences will be attributable not due to one being in space but because only one of them has a moustache.

Du Lac is definitely Lancelot. The Fae chick called him "The son of Ban", referencing King Ban of Benwick, Lancelot's father. On the other hand, the name "Jenkins" doesn't seem to reference anything from the Arthurian stories, though I could just be missing it.

Second of all, here's where America's disturbing tolerance of violence works out for us. A PG-13 rating should let Deadpool stab, shoot and basically murder and infinite amount of bad guys, as long as there's not any gore

I'm partial to "Mike" HOLMES IV

I don't think there's anything complicated about the ethics at all - deliberately breeding an animal to satisfy some freak-watching desire despite the fact that those animals have severe health problems is highly unethical.

Yeah I was wondering the same thing. An overnight shift of 8 hours really shouldn't be lumped into people who stay at work for 12 hours.

International Law, as someone else mentioned, also gave the Black Sea port in the Crimea to the Ukrainians.

This article is exemplary and I hope foreshadows more such thoughtful and well researched explorations of the ideas behind science fiction. This article presents me new authors and history which I will explore further. Bravo!

What do we say to the god of lens flare?

Fun Fact: Kuvira (the guard who saved Tonraq) was voiced by Zelda Williams (Robin Williams' daughter). Some reason the way that they used the character led me to believe that she will be significant somehow next season.

Editor's note: The following is a guest editorial by Obsidian game designer Josh Sawyer. If you're a professional

Survey time: Do most people who've read the Dune series enjoy Lynch's adaptation?

Oh we've got the money for both. It's just that the government thinks it's more important to spend it by shooting people in the middle-east.

We print money, though. There's as much money as we, collectively, decide there needs to be.

Sure, sure. "Inflation." Except that we're not meeting inflation targets now, and moreover, inflation happens when more money chases after the same amount of resources. But does anyone doubt that there are explorers and