I'm a guy, so I'm not supposed to like this movie. Well, except for the super-sexy-witchy sisters part, but I loved the damn thing. Always have. You just don't get better casting.

I think the most egregious offenses can be laid at the feet of a very small (but very vocal) minority. That being said, I do NOT think that "civility" is the answer. Blunt, even hostile, responses are the appropriate answer to such blatant racism and misogyny. Drown out their small voices with righteous anger. There

Mutt Bowl Surfers. I think that made me laugh more than anything else in the episode. Except maybe when deBeers asked if zombies were just too overexposed these days. :)

Come on, Charlie. You know that you didn't write this in order to fill us in on the greatness that will be Season Five.

"it's vastly more likely that you'll find yourself in the most probable and seemingly rational of worlds because they appear with the highest degrees of frequency (and by several orders of magnitude)."

That's really a shame. There aren't enough Baby Cookbooks out there and it's SO easy to mess up when cooking a baby.

I'm convinced that most Japanese are colorblind. If I had to watch TV over there for more than five minutes, I'm pretty sure my eyes would melt.

"Not bad." is my stock answer.

It's because Spidey is the "regular guy" of the comic book universe. He wasn't born different, he's not rich, he's smart, but not a super genius. He has a JOB!! Not his own company, just a regular job. You know, so he can eat. He's a smartass, but he doesn't have a giant ego. We can relate to him. That's why

I'm super curious as to how Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D. are going to integrate the Ultron storyline. Fury is BACK!

So what you're telling us, is that the wonderful after-rain smell can kill us.

Du Lac is definitely Lancelot. The Fae chick called him "The son of Ban", referencing King Ban of Benwick, Lancelot's father. On the other hand, the name "Jenkins" doesn't seem to reference anything from the Arthurian stories, though I could just be missing it.

Ordinarily, I would agree, but this is Lockheed Martin, not some small unknown lab. Typically, when they say they can do something, they can do it.

Watched it the other day and was transported back. Loved it then, love it now.

More like burnt gunpowder.

Speak for yourself. I liked the whole thing. The whole point of the movie was to show Maleficent as something other than a "full villain". I didn't see it until months later, but enjoyed the hell out of it when I did.

I need tacos.

I added this as well before I saw yours. All time, indeed.

Lazarus Long

Aren't 2 & 3 pretty much the same thing?