I work nights and weekends because it works for me. I'm not, however, willing to give up my life for a job. I suppose that people with a calling or a real career would be willing to, but working 50-80 hours a week just to make ends meet is just sad.

You're probably right. Sigh...

Canada's claim extends to the edge of the Arctic shelf. That's international law.

Gimme some Draka, Dangit.

This is getting ridiculous and I don't mean the art. If you want realism in comic books, then we're going to need to start drawing potbellies and muffin tops on all of the heroes. It's FANTASY for Grod's sake. We're talking about people that shoot lasers from their eyes and pick up buildings with one hand. It's time

You need to give up on this. Plus this is what it REALLY looks like rendered out:

It's "Miltos", not "Mitlos". :)

I know that I'll be in the minority here, but I think privacy IS a fantasy. Given how even private citizens have access to sophisticated hacking and surveillance technology, the idea that any of us have a right to privacy really is unrealistic. You can deny the government the ability to peek and prod at our private

In American Sign Language, the insulting one (nails out) just means "2". It's the most common meaning here in the states, while the other has meant "peace" since the 60's.

When introducing a new hero, sure, hit the origins, but after there have been three reboots? Just stop. For the love of Krypton, just stop.

Another "Think" coming.

Human stupidity. I mean, if we can beat that one, the others take care of themselves, right?

A step in the right direction. Now, let's see if we can get Personhood Statutes passed for the more cerebrally adept among our fellow travelers.

I don't try to prove them wrong. I just shake my head and walk away. I won't spend my valuable time trying cure someone that has no desire to be cured. After all, they probably have alot of fun being complete whack jobs.

Some of us do care.

Up until the Ebola outbreak, Liberia was recovering quite nicely from their civil war. They were expecting a very good harvest this year as well, but that is in serious jeopardy now.

Liberia was established 1822 by the American Colonization Society. Their intent may not have been the best, but it wasn't purely evil either. Their capital is named for James Monroe, the US President at the time of the founding. On their Declaration of Independence in 1847, they created a constitution based upon our

There is a special connection between Liberia and the U.S.. We need to give them every bit of help that we can. Every damn bit.