
Yeah but this is just another example of how fucked up the system is. A college athlete making a university millions can't get that extra health care? Not saying a Morgan state athlete makes a university a ton of money, but before athletes get paid stipends they should at least get health screenings that are too


......And then one Sunday, everything that Will Ferrell had done to bring the two sports together, was ruined.

And neither has won an auto race on this continent.

Figure Skating only exists because of rich mothers that never accomplished anything who are trying to relive their sad underwhelming youth by getting their useless offspring to excel in a sport none cares about

Davis and White do have something in common with Danica Patrick: both of their routines usually end in spins.

If you're wearing 2 polo shirts, the firing squad is too good for you.

The Venn diagram of NASCAR fans and figure skating fans has zero intersections and no left turns.

The best result that can come of this is Hawk either quitting or imploding.

I fucking hate ESPN right now for that exact same reason. Don't forget being a constant SEC whore.

Probably about the time Gawker reintroduces the star system. According to Jez, that's as soon as tomorrow.

When ESPN's top sports story in the middle of a pennant race isn't whether Johnny Motherfucking Football will start the second preseason game. That's when.

Why do we in this society hesitate so much to place responsibility on those who get hurt? Ward should not have gotten out of his car. Ward should not have approached any moving car on the slippery, wet dirt track in his dark race suit. Ward bears all or the vast majority of fault for what happened. Those bad

What does Johnny Football think about all this?

FWIW, sprint cars only have one brake. They have a single disc brake on the front driver side wheel. Braking at all at most any speed will cause the car to fishtail to the right, initially...

I think I'll trust the actual lawyers and prosecutors over you.

The cops know what happened. If there was a murder they would lay charges. Guess what? No charges have been filed. No charges will be filed. You're just wrong.

(a) Those drivers had a clear view of Ward. Stewart's view was obstructed.

I don't give two shits about Tony Stewart. I do admit to getting annoyed by the outrage brigade that constantly descends upon a certain series of websites I occasionally browse.

Zip it, jerkoff. I posted before there was any indication that anyone was seriously hurt, let alone dead. I'd think death might be a pretty easy detail to confirm, but that's just me. So go shake your fist at something else.