
How am I a "troll"? I have a specific point, one I have hesitated to raise since the Stephen A Smith suspension, but finally decided I needed to voice it. I knew it wouldn't be popular, but I'm willing to defend it. Some people here actually respond with a differing opinion, but a somewhat thoughtful one that I may

While each jurisdiction has it's own language and it can vary, here's's definition: "n. the continuing crime and problem of the physical beating of a wife, girlfriend or children, usually by the woman's male partner (although it can also be female violence against a male). It is now recognized as an

What does JRRybock say to a Deadspin with one black eye.

Nothing, he already told us once.

Say what you will about Ryan. But I'll take and enjoy him and his personality over a stuffy arrogant Bill Belichick.

I am sorry for what you went through. But again, that is a pattern of behavior. These two cases I've been mentioning show no pattern. They were direct responses to violent behavior. Many of the cases we've been told from women who experienced domestic violence who shared because of their outrage in this case were also

So, it's only domestic abuse if there is an end goal by the abuser... got it. When my dad got drunk and hit me just to take out his anger on me, I wasn't being abused because he wasn't doing it to get me to conform to anything. Got it.

As I stated, one of the keys to domestic violence is that it is a pattern. These were not. I also hold that domestic violence, and what makes it insidious, is that it is a psychological terrorism used to bend another to one's will, often with use, or threat of, violence. I do not think fighting back when someone else

It's so cool you decide to rewrite my post for the uneducated peasantry so you can knock down the strawman argument.

I am not. Look at the legal and dictionary definition of the terms, they are what I am putting out there. One of the key parts of it is "pattern", and there has been no indication there has been any pattern here. If you want to play down the "pattern" part of it, fine - in both the Rice case, and the story Kellerman

Ray Rice's case was not domestic abuse. Max Kellerman's story was not domestic abuse.

As an aside, anyone who lives in Chicago would do yourselves a favor by not getting hushpuppies at Big Jones in the Andersonville neighborhood. I hadn't had hushpuppies in about two years but went there last weekend with the lady friend. Their hushpuppies were the most boring goddamned things I've ever bitten in

First off I just want to say that you're doing the Lord's Work here Burneko. Hushpuppies are a heavenly morsel that make even demons weep. I take a mild issue with your condiment recommendations, though. Ketchup? It's honey butter, son. Any good barbecue or seafood place in The South will give you a little thing of

Being NC State Alum I wasn't the happiest when we drafted Napoleon Glennon after seeing what he's done and I found some resolve in the fact we'd stink it up and be in the market for Jameis whenever he comes out, but Lovie got to the Super Bowl with Rex that balances out

I'm a Bears fan, so I have a history with Lovie. But that guy cannot run an offense for anything. Especially with an old backup at the helm. In three years you'll probably have the best defense in the South, but your QBs will be in charge of shit with Lovie relying on the defense to win every game. With that said, I

That...could also happen. With Revis and Schiano and the MRSA shit from last season I need something to cheer for. Year 2 of Lovie should get a playoff spot if this one doesn't. Especially with the First to Worst rule in the NFC South

Vincent Jackson is no slouch and with Mike Evans/Austin Seferian-Jenkins give him the same tall weapons. I'm hoping it's gonna yield some results. I'm callin 10-6

Compared to Bleacher Report fuckheads, the guy's Jorge Luis Borges.

I'm just going to assume you've never heard of Everyday Should be Saturday

You can always count on Deadspin to expose a penis.

Doesn't Gawker Media make quite a lot of money off of tattling on people for tweeting things?