
Enough with the fucking "distractions." This is such a garbage term. Unless Kluwe was firing canons filled with rainbow confetti during practice I have a hard time believing any player was forced into a position where Kluwe's advocacy interfered with their work. If something is a distraction it's likely that it's

As a proponent of gay marriage, let me say fuck Chris Kluwe

Mike Prefier is not a "good man who did one bad thing", as the analysis states. I think he deserves to be fired for that "Nuke the Gays" comment, quite frankly, and it's hypocritical for the Vikings to claim acceptance of the LGBT community and then not fire someone who perpetuates such blatant societal homophobia and

kluwe will settle down once warlords of draenor is released

Most teams also require players to get approval from coaches to get jobs. Would your coach rather you be doing "voluntary" workouts or having a job?

The problem is, when? Most athletes (especially those at a high level like at UCONN or Ole Miss) wake up to lift at 5 or 6 AM, have class most of the day (and often have another light workout during the day), have practice from 4-6 or later, and then have homework to do or film to watch at night. Weekends are often

It's not even a matter of, "students can take part-time or work-study jobs if they choose, an option that's simply not realistic for athletes during their seasons", it's a matter that they aren't even allowed to get any job during any part of their collegiate career that earns more than $2,000 per semester.

There's a reason there's a "certified" instructor there. 50 something white collar men who aren't in that great a shape should be told to not push their limits. No screamed at with jock rock blasting and trying to compete with 20 something collegiate athletes.

I did Crossfit for about 2 years on and off. I've never met anyone who did it consistently for more than 3+ years and if they did they never seemed to partake in it when we had our workouts. They'd have already worked out that day or were waiting for something after class.

He did not blame the players. He is challenging the system, that many of the players are a product of, and it's need for improvement overall if we plan on succeeding in the future. MLS has gotten better, but it's still not good enough....yet. I love the league and have watched it grow leap and bounds in a relatively

this is so naive. tactics aren't everything, yes he made a few questionable decisions against belgium, but i'd say it was more a case of too little too late than not at all, most of the time our players couldn't nail their first touch regardless of where they were on the pitch. and bradley may prefer playing deeper,

I'm not a doctor, but I don't know that it's particularly risky. A few years ago, I fractured the spinous process (the rearward-facing notch just above the word "costas" in the diagram up top) and was skiing a week later. It was painful, but there was no risk of nerve damage since the vertebral body, which protects

Italy has always been most successful embracing the far right.

7 minutes into the tournament, one of the pillars that his entire tactical plan was built around was lost for the tournament. The team wasn't built in a way to weather that. That may have been a failing, but Klinsmann got around that to get this team out of the toughest group stage in the tourney. That's

Too many American fans don't have a clue. It's not as if our team, with ONE field player who starts consistently in a major European league, was within ONE TOUCH of beating Belgium, whose entire team transfer value is 348 Million Euros. The US team value is 58 Million Euros. Yeah, his tactics were piss poor.

Too many American fans don't have a clue. It's not as if our team, with ONE field player who starts consistently in a major European league, was within ONE TOUCH of beating Belgium, whose entire team transfer value is 348 Million Euros. The US team value is 58 Million Euros. Yeah, his tactics were piss poor.

Yes, our loss was obviously because of coaching errors. Everyone knows the US has the best players. Everyone knows the US fielded the best team. Obviously tactical errors. Obviously Klinsmann's fault. Obviously…

It doesn't matter how tacticallyt brilliant the coach was they would gave been knocked out.

16 feet?!?! 2tons?!?! OMFG. Please, stay in Australia's oceans.

radio gold... I laughed my ass off today listening to this on the way home