
I heard voices too, they said: QUIT STARING DOWN YOUR FUCKING RECEIVER

FSU's schedule included a Clemson team that was at the very least very good, on the road. And they slaughtered them.

The public transportation for Sarasota, Florida, SCAT, aka, Scootin' Coons Across Town.

It's not gay if you're looking down.

It's really easy and lazy to just assume because this is a southern team it's redneck and racist and homophobic. I'm a gay minority who graduated from Auburn and I have encountered noting but great people there. Maybe you should take a trip here before you talk shit about what you don't really know about.

You can have a better Thanksgiving in an RV at a SEC Football game than you can the best home in Brooklyn. They don't know what they are missing.

Yeah, but you know, it's the South, so Deadspin has to try and ruin it.

College football in the South often gets romanticized: the hedges, the dress code in the student section, the "tradition & passion", etc. But let's be honest. These people have nothing else to do in the rural South. When asked on their death beds what the best moment of their lives were, they will either pick the

I think "using vacation" is generous. Most Auburn grads call it "unemployment."

How do you celebrate Thanksgiving on an RV?


hot shower and weed



Trent has retained Jonathan Martin's mom.

That's some gritty alcoholism.

I'll give you "Breast Cancer Awareness" and "Salute to Service", but Georgia's "50 Years of Dealey Plaza" is a little much.

This is precisely right. Its unlikely that FSU did not know about the incident, both Coach Martin and Coach Fisher would probably have known something if just through the grapevine. This occurred in 2012. Before Jameis Winston became Famous Jameis. Before he started for the FSU Baseball team. Before the spring game.

I associate misogynists? What are you saying there? My beer of choice isn't Natty Ice, because I'm not a dipshit who throws ping pong balls into beer. Get your shit together before you step in this direction again, junior.

A star and a +1 for you.

As Bo Burnham said about his math homework, squaring numbers are just like women. If they're under 13 just do them in your head.