
Meh, Tebow is old news at this point. Yo soy siesta.

Well, he won't be needing this.

No matter how hard the refs tried last night, the most interesting blowout in the NBA this year happened during the regular season:

"He only gets 30 days for smacking his lawyer's ass? That's bullshit I shot myself and served two years." -Plaxico Burress

The rest of the FSU student body is required to go through a rigorous process where they learn what “No” means. It’s called applying to the University of Florida.

Child, plea!

Save your fucking righteous indignation for the Catholic Church you fucking dildos. Pointing this shirt out did not make anyone more dead or cause any more harm. If anything, it provided a moment of humor in the midst of tragedy. The only people who got hurt are apparently those who are so empathetic they must never

Why yes, yes I do. As long as "D" is code for "shelter and basic human services"

His Female Body Inspector shirt is probably somewhere in Texas.

hopefully D didn't stand for "Drop in barometric pressure"

Honesty is great and all but I think he received that extension for a few reasons other than giving back his employer half a million.

True, but I'd text her a picture of my dick anyway.

Garcia essentially let the sound of a club leaving a bag on one swing destroy the next 31 holes of the tournament. With a chance to catch the leader on 17, he went full on beer-league scramble with a quad bogey. That's choking by any definition.

In his inevitable mugshot, he'll be good for a Super Cool Cheese.

Hopefully if he gets charged, he'll have some super cool pleas.

Do people actually say "stick to sports" and mean it? I thought after all the Boston coverage and what not that phrase had been placed decidedly in the sarcasm category.

I'm a Dzhokhar, I'm a smokhar, I'ma a midnight tokhar . . ."

Nothing clever, just please note:

Advice from an older person: Go to Dartmouth. Nothing "special" will be built at NC State or Kentucky, your football career will falter, and you'll need to develop the critical thinking, communication, and leadership skills that modern employers require.

Has anyone notified the next of kin-ja? They either live five doors down, or five across, I can never remember.