
Hi Paula!
Y'know the thing about the gay black basketball player is that he's gay which is no one's business and completely relevant to his basketball playing ability.
You on the other hand are slathering southern charm on a big racist turd and trying to get us to eat it and be fucking charmed. And charmed we ain't.

When has being a wife and mother stopped anyone from indulging in their love of coke?

It's up to us to stop them. Callie, I leave this in your able hands.

Probably the 50 recommends and few hundred facebook shares, as well as thousands of views? Thanks for contributing to that, BTW.

Ah bad PR! I guess....

This line alone is more entertaining than the entire Burton remake.

So this woman George Clooney is dating is basically the female Mark Darcy?

And don't forget - this pathetic douchecanoe was named as a John in the DC Madam's sex diary a few years back. Clearly, another stereotypical "family values for thee, but not for me" Republican.

...or at least using the same locker rooms as non-gays

I'm sorry, is there a right way to move on from rape?

Oh good. Let's quibble about phrasing and tell a sexual assault survivor she's wrong about her feelings. Rad.

I'm pretty sure she's not trying to speak for anyone else, only how she felt about her own experience. In what way is a woman talking about something that actually happened to her uninformed?

I feel like Cheez-Its has really been left out of this conversation. They are the BEST. I know they're terrible for me and hadn't touched them since childhood until recently. Now I'm eating them again and I can't. stop. Maybe you can't put cheese and tomatoes and dip on them, but they don't NEED it. That's the magic.


tl;dr version:

So you're OK with a straight (guy) grabbing your junk?

True to his band's name, the guy from Korn has a way of reappearing after you'd forgotten all about him.

When the image on the flag went to his superiors to report this assault by his fellow soldier, he was demoted and pressured by his unit not to say anything. When PTSD and depression made it impossible to fulfill his duties, he was dishonorably discharged, and held up as an example of why images on flags are just not

Did she really think she could goof around like her white, male coworkers in uniform and be subjected to the same lack of scrutiny? How dare she.