If anyone else reads or used to read crazydaysandnights.com they would know this. Enty has said that for years! The only reason people wear Marchesa is because Weinstein pretty much forces them to.
If anyone else reads or used to read crazydaysandnights.com they would know this. Enty has said that for years! The only reason people wear Marchesa is because Weinstein pretty much forces them to.
I’m glad you realized this time that the providers and teachers are not getting rich. As a preschool teacher we make shit money! If the minimum wage went up to $15 almost every single teacher in my school would be getting a significant raise.
As a preschool teacher, I have seen some awful names and honestly it’s getting worse and worse each year!
Right? First everyone was mad because she was with Calvin Harris and would remind everyone that is not his real name and he did it to sound racially ambiguous. Don’t get me wrong I think he’s a total douche. She is better off w/o him.
So I know everyone thinks Taylor and Toms relationship is fake, but I’m thinking it real, and the reason it looks like it’s moving so fast is because her relationship with Calvin Harris was fake. Then Tay and Tom met fell in love, so she had to wait until her contract with that DJ was over before the could make it…
I am so sorry you had to go through that!
So a peaceful protest is silly now? Were you one of the people when riots happened last year, that said “ugh why do they have to be so extreme? Why can’t they have a peaceful protest?” If you were, you can go sit in the corner and think about what you’ve said.
Attention Floridians!!! Vote for this guy!!
Ok so this may be stupid but, I want to call my state senator and tell him to fucking do something and to vote! But I’m not sure what to exactly say? I get anxiety and clam up. So anyone have advice on what to say? I’ll be calling Marco Rubio if that helps. I already emailed him. But I feel like I should do more.
Her Teacher from middle school? You know she might have learned right and wrong in the 15+ years since she left middle school. I was always thought that just because you didn’t know something was a crime, that did absolve you of the crime.
Ugh I'm so over this gif. Can we have one that's sawing off Texas? Texas is SO much worse than FL.
Because you’re in the middle of FL, swamplands everywhere. Plus Disney has destroyed their natural habitat to build hotels.
That’s why I said you’re allowed you opinion. Obviously a lot of people do find it clever. I for one do.
It was clever. But your allowed you're opinion. Also politicians have done this for YEARS, but Twitter is just a new platform for them to use, instead of TV interviews or newspapers. Gotta keep up with times yo.
She should respond to him, that the emails are in the same place his tax records are.
I agree with you. I don't think Sanders values the Dem party at all though. He's an independent who ran in the Dem ticket because he knew a 3rd party would never win.
Can we stop saying this child fell in like it was an accident? He actively jumped/climbed/crawled his way in then fell though the netting. I may be nit picking but it's bothering me.
Chickens aren't endangered, that argument isn't valid. Gorillas are going extinct. End of story.
There is another democrat running against him that is much better, his name is Patrick Murphy.