That's Fascinating

French onion soup!

At first I thought it was her turn bad video, but the more I watch it (particularly because of the end sequence) I think it’s in the same vein as Blank Space and Shake It Off where Taylor is just having fun with all the bizarre villain narratives attached to her.

You’re not required to like her, it just seems that people hate on her disproportionately to other pop stars. Kind of like when everyone decided to hate Anne Hathaway. It’s weirdly personal and ascribes a bunch of bizarrely complicated, shady motives to someone’s every move.

I mean, putting her catalogue back on Spotify the same day Katy Perry’s album dropped and releasing the first single of her new album the same day Katy hosts the VMAs? I think that qualifies.

My first reaction: FEMA has a director?

I’m here for this. All. Day.

I managed to make it until the Charger accelerated before I started sobbing, but what made me cry even harder was the counter-protester wearing a BLM shirt (sorry didn’t catch people’s names) who was yelling into the camera that the state let them come, the police let them come... He was so right, and so traumatized.

Every fucking day I love that .gif (and the musical remixes, god bless America) more and more.

I think it’s a pretty natural response to someone doing something Clearly Not Okay to someone you care about. Some of my lady friends have pitched an actual shit fit on some asshole on the dance floor on my behalf before, and I would do the same for them.

Omg, this bit: “And with regard to the Dr. Evil remark, 4 it should be remembered that truth is an absolute defense to a claim of defamation.” FOLLOWED BY A PICTURE COMPARISON. I’m dead.

I’m from a place with like, two large towns with less than a million people and the rest is farms. The rhetoric from the rural people about how hard done by they are AND how horrible welfare is are at unreal levels. Farm subsidies make me literally shiver with anger - farms are basically the largest welfare mothers in

It’s the most believable of all their defenses, tbh. “Whaaaat, we couldn’t pull off that kind of caper! Look at this chump!”

I’d fuck him but only if he agreed not to talk during. Or after.

I think they meant “their symptoms are a result of the psychological, not physical, trauma of rape”, not “rape is not a physical act”, but it is poorly phrased.

Yeah, Jez can go fuck themselves on this one.

“use your animals as publicity props”

It’s not abandoned though - she adopted him out to someone else. She didn’t shoot him on the side of a back road.

Ooooh I’ll play, Iggy, is it because you’re totally irrelevant and hoping this fake controversy will distract everyone from the fact that your best imitation of a black person sounds like you have a clothespin on your nose when you drop your new track?

I don’t know who Halsey is either but I appreciate her frank dismissal of Iggy.

Because it’s just a fact.