
The Nets logo is more a dead ringer for the Juventus crest than it is Newcastle. Either way, a lot of these are freaking awesome — I'm partial to the Blazers one myself.

That IS why there's the internet.

Well that's just plain ridiculous. What you're suggesting wouldn't benefit France in any way!

Yeah, I'm sure the draw for the Russian World Cup will be more legit.

Shitty #longform take on shitty #longform take. But is there another shitty #longform take to recap this one?

I agree - long articles about stuff people don't care about are the worst. #longreads

Deadspin just went long on Sports Illustrated going on long on Tebow. #Inception

studs like me are impervious to pressure

both. I have a very different point of view when it comes to safety in general. if safety is your priority, football is probably not for you.


Title suggestion:

Is there a non-perverted way to describe my love for Jon Miller's voice? Help?

Seeing how prevalent PED-use in MLB has been, I don't really think any fan base (even the Marlin's 3 fans) have any business booing another player for PED usage.

Dick Vitale? The man who roots & buys tickets for a team that employs/employed Josh Lueke, Yunel Escobar, and Manny Ramirez? Just checking.

That time Mariano Rivera had some fun by tossing a baseball from the field through one of the arches atop the old Busch Stadium. [Aaron Miles' Fastball]

In related news, Penn State's board of trustees just approved the largest tuition increase in the history of the school . . . .