
Lynch had 24 carries that game. 22 went for a yard or more, and the other 2 were for no gain. I am more than confident that he'd have netted 1 yard in 3 carries.

You have the best defense in the league and you're worried about an extra 15 seconds for Brady when the clock is under 30 already? Why? Just make the Pats stop Lynch (led league in broken tackles this year) and that O-Line 3 times. No reason to pass there. Zero. I've never understood this logic. Get the lead before

The school my wife works at doesn't allow nuts. Like anywhere, not just in the food the serve to the kids, but like she's not supposed to bring anything with nuts into the school even if it's just for her and her alone to eat. But my guess is they don't have any rules against kids not having an MMR (if they can).

So the Knicks could solve one of their bigger problems by just moving to Albany? Or Buffalo? Seems easy enough.

Why are so many "fans" so quick to blame the players and not the billionaires who own them? They make more money, they put far less on the line, and they're basically never required to talk to the media. But we're mad because some players are refusing not to? Why not bitch at the NFL for enforcing an extremely stupid

First of all the CFP playoff final would crush an NFL playoff game. It's bad for both but worse for the NFL. I don't see them going up against them. Second, the NCAA should just swap the games, move two of the other big six to NYE and the semifinals to New Years Day. No fans would give a shit. Just the 1%ers who run

Cowherd: This is just another example of John Wall the "me" player. You don't see white peop... err great point guards like John Stockton making flashy passes like this.

Guessing the same people who used to brag about the Seahawks NFC titles before they finally got an actual title.

The NFL should have a Friday game, too. I'm guessing a lot of people would enjoy starting their Friday night party with an NFL football game. Get that shit started by 7:30 eastern at the latest, though.

It was a great movie, and I walked away mostly thinking how utterly terrible war (especially wars of choice, wait aren't they all) is. I understand the complaints, though, and am dumbfounded by the legion of people who want to kill Muslims because of the movie, but then again I'm dumbfounded by those people

So many questions I don't want to ask.

Or he has a social anxiety issue and those situations are basically torture to him. But hey, if you're a millionaire then you're not allowed to have mental health issues, right?!

I thought the same thing. And I don't think it would even be up to the league. If Lynch was diagnosed with some sort of social anxiety that proved these types of things are harmful for him and cause him actually mental and emotional distress I think the league would have to let him not do interviews. If they kept

Why not just throw it off the inbounds defender? He's not going to catch it. And the clock runs out or down for another inbound.

Now who will all the meninists prop up to show that men have it just as bad as women?!

I'm curious, perhaps some of the braver-than-I men and women can give some insight, does it bother actual soldiers to see police officers imitating soldiers?

Yeah I don't think it would have decided the game necessarily, and the Cowboys players and staff seemed to echo that belief. Oh well, if any good comes out of this it will be that the NFL will fix the rule so when it's clear a player has possession (like Bryant here or Megatron a few years back) it will be ruled a

Ton of Packer fans here! There's people who don't think it was a catch (Packer fans) and people who think it was a catch (Cowboy fans and also everyone else on the planet that's seen a football game before).

Isn't a lousy shooter playing out of position a bad option on any team?