And if anything, this old man-level pun is about as English as you can get! (And I loved it).
And if anything, this old man-level pun is about as English as you can get! (And I loved it).
I think the problem here is that the traditional memoir genre isn't a great fit here. I think this falls into a newer genre of "my life so far" autobiography, which seem to be exceedingly popular these days, especially with every other blogger getting a book deal.
Seconded. I had to give up on this overly thesaurus-ed article only part way in. The irony was too too much.
I can't promise this is the exact same promo since I can't see the one above either, but I think this should work for you!
First thing I thought too! Even though I guess she's usually wearing the beige ones on the show.
See, from the beginning I've had a feeling that the argument/angle for this case has been crafted by some lawyer who's aiming for the biggest pay day (and basically at the cost of his client's reputation). I mean, it seems like an oddly unique angle to take instead of just suing for the wrong sperm, period. And now to…
Ya, but a white kid in an all white neighbourhood isn't going to be the target for all types of racist bullshit that could lead to potential psychological and/or physical damage. They want their daughter to be exposed to and surrounded by people that look like her, and a white kid in a white-washed neighbourhood…
While on the one hand I sort of see where you (and all others making this argument) are coming from. But...there is something so innately wrong with the opinion that "well people hate you lesbians anyway, so suck it up." Plus, you can't tell just by looking at someone that they have 2 moms (I mean unless their wearing…
I think in the original story they had either mislabeled the race of the donor or mixed up the donor paperwork on the clinic end. They already refunded her when the mistake was discovered years ago, so I think the clinic has already admitted they were at fault.
If your family and town are racist fuckshits, then you educate them or tell them to fuck off.
I kind of feel like it was a lawyer who framed the argument in this way though? I mean, it seems like a pretty unique angle – it's one thing to sue for getting the wrong sperm (has happened before), but another to take the "emotional distress due to racial intolerance" route. I somehow doubt the average non-laywer…
What about the fact that they gave her the wrong sperm? Does that fall under the scope of this "wrongful birth" charge, or would that be something else entirely? (You seem to actually know what you're talking about, which is more than I can say about every "news outlet" I have seen cover this story so far)
I agree completely. Everyone seems really keen to vilify this woman in what is an incredibly complicated situation, basically based solely on the fact that people around her are racist...?! Talk about taking shit from all sides, this poor family.
Isn't "in the weeds" in all of these contexts (sports, serving, etc.) a metaphor referencing when you are swimming/paddling/motor boating, etc...and literally get caught in the weeds? As in the aquatic plant life that entangles you/your motor/your paddle, totally screwing you over in the movement and progress…
I'm sorry, but I just don't see how suing over the wrong race is automatically racist. To take it from a different angle, if I (a white lady) and my indian boyfriend had to use a sperm donor for some reason, I would want it to be an indian donor so that the kid looked as genetically similar to us as possible. And damn…
Quick, Jeopardy style!
My cat cannot, will not, get in a damn carrier. What will he get in (obviously resentfully, because cat)? A duffel bag, as long as it has his favourite towel, an air crack, and you leave him the f*ck alone in there. Such a weirdo.
I feel like this piece should have come with illustrations and a glossary. I'm a young, and I'm even into fashion (although I live in Europe, so bit of a different scene I guess). I thought that tumblr account would shed some light, but I am officially more confused than ever. Some of these guys just looked like…
Hmm, not buying the slander angle at all then. You would have to prove that these guys are not, in fact, perpetrators of said vaguely defined code "orange" and "red" (which would be difficult since no one knows what the hell that actually means). Doesn't sound like much of a case to me, since to date they haven't done…
I don't really know how defamation/slander is defined at a legal level, but (as they later classified, and probably should have included in the first lists "colour code" whatever), they have not accused any of these guys of anything specific, they just give "red" and "orange" without really explaining what that means,…