
I'm assuming the writer doesn't understand what (sic) means, or conversely they just wanted to make it as clear as possible that they had nothing (NOTHING) to do with that confusing dribble. I actually think it's the first, though, since they enclose the (sic) between two periods, which makes zero sense.

Wait, Mockingjay Part 1? PART ONE?! I think I read that book in a single day, and they're splitting it into two movies?! Harry Potter fine, and Twilight was already pushing it, but this book is under 500 pages and in ginormous type at that! I'm so over these milk-you-for-every-penny franchises (I'm looking at you,

"well, my expectations were exceeded for long enough, let's have a party."

+1 for the Alexandrew reference

Wait, why are YOU in the grays? I see you commenting on everything everywhere always, I didn't think you would be exiled like us mere plebeians!

Thanks for pointing this out! I think it's a pretty big fact to be missing from the article since it completely changes the angle of the story.

Not to mention that the current war is between Israel and the smaller of two Palestinian territories, so there is still an Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the West Bank...

Well, not that I entirely disagree with that you're saying, but the Palestinian territories are something like 6000+ square km (Gaza and West Bank). I'm assuming you were just thinking of Gaza, but the West Bank is still Palestinian and isn't in as bad a state as Gaza (although, having been there, parts of it are

I feel like you are wasting your breath with this crowd. I agree with you, however, that calling it a penal colony is misleading – it's a uniquely awful situation that deserves to be described and understood in its own right, and using this analogy is more confusing then enlightening. Similarly, when I was traveling

Uhh, I hate to jump into this fray over the accuracy of "penal colony" (although I do think it's being used incorrectly here as an analogy, mostly because it completely misrepresents the finer points of this uniquely awful situation)...but I highly doubt that most Palestinians actually want to be Israeli citizens –

I don't see how who she is dating has anything to do with this situation, or how you or any other stranger on the internet can make any comments on her self-worth.

I actually noticed this as well. I'd like to think its a coincidence, but at least in this case it seems like any POV contra the article is remaining in the grays. It almost feels like there are two different conversations going on.

Sigh, so true. I make a point of reading all the pending comments in solidarity (plus there's basically no difference between the quality of comments, which is irksome)

Oh, the brouhaha has gotten waaay out of control, we can agree on that. But there is a long history of black women being the target for awful criticism solely based on racially biased ideas of "good" versus "bad" hair. I feel like a lot of what is fueling this is personal experiences and bad childhood memories – and

Because her hair isn't messy - she's two, and that's how it grows out naturally. Comparing it to tangled white kid's hair is silly - you don't have to do much more than gently comb it, but that would never work for her hair, and as a kid she shouldn't have to undergo painful treatments and styling just to make

Thank you for proving that there are still sane people on the internet. It amazes me (in a bad way) just how many people are justifying such nasty and hateful personal attacks over something that was clearly in poor taste, but in the grand scheme of awful things in this world pretty damn benign.

I really really wish this was out of the greys, because there is little I like more than a good Stefon reference.

But is she not at the end of the day just a talking head who gets paid to read someone else's lame jokes off a Teleprompter? I mean, the world be a better place of everyone actually thought for themselves, but she's basically just not the brightest cog in a much larger machine. Doesn't mean it's right, but there's a

While I agree she has left herself wide open to a world of criticism for this (even though I think we all need to step back and realise she is a taking head who gets paid to read a teleprompter, not think for herself - a whole other problem)... but she's receiving death threats and she's just supposed to suck it up

And if you really want to go all in, you can always go the matching numbered onesie route (hair optional?)