Yes, definitely a click.
Yes, definitely a click.
Indeed! I only read the comments to learn what I should think and feel about every issue (from men, of course)!
Females expressing opinions?!?! Quelle horreur!
Mmmm... yes. Plus, he can speak in complete sentences!
Seconded! She's awesome. And the janitor- I mean the dad. He's awesome too.
That is super-awesome! It'll make me feel less pitiful on my next birthday. Thanks!
Couldn't find the 'edit' button- never mind!
I nominate the ultra-hot, not... um... poorly-spoken GOLD MEDAL WINNER Nathan Adrian for The Bachelor!
Seconded. Some parents say the CRAZIEST things!
Awww... Waffles sounds awesome. He does give great face! Thanks for sharing!
Will do- thanks!
Everybody should check out the gif boxies posted yesterday of her with her medal. It will make you smile-
Good to know that someone was paying attention to her before she won gold too!
That's really, really awesome. Yay GB! You have good reason to be proud.
Cool- glad to hear it. Hope you're feeling better! Thanks for the info!
OK- didn't realize that the video was from NBC. D'oh!