Yes, definitely a click.
Yes, definitely a click.
Indeed! I only read the comments to learn what I should think and feel about every issue (from men, of course)!
Females expressing opinions?!?! Quelle horreur!
Seconded! She's awesome. And the janitor- I mean the dad. He's awesome too.
That is super-awesome! It'll make me feel less pitiful on my next birthday. Thanks!
Couldn't find the 'edit' button- never mind!
Seconded. Some parents say the CRAZIEST things!
Awww... Waffles sounds awesome. He does give great face! Thanks for sharing!
Will do- thanks!
Everybody should check out the gif boxies posted yesterday of her with her medal. It will make you smile-
Good to know that someone was paying attention to her before she won gold too!
That's really, really awesome. Yay GB! You have good reason to be proud.
Cool- glad to hear it. Hope you're feeling better! Thanks for the info!
OK- didn't realize that the video was from NBC. D'oh!